The books you liked this summer

Essays, novels, biographies… Find the ranking of best-selling books from August 26 to September 1 in La Procure bookstores. A selection of inspiring readings from books published over the past four months.

1The Shroud of Turin

Summary : by Jean-Christian Petitfils, Tallandier, August 2022. In this complete synthesis, far from any polemical spirit, Jean-Christian Petitfils shows, in a clear and convincing way, that there is no longer any doubt today: the Holy Shroud of Turin is indeed authentic. Not only is the information it provides on the Passion of Christ exceptional, but the unique and puzzling characteristics of the image, which have never been reproduced identically despite all modern techniques – color inversion , three-dimensionality, orthogonal projection without lateral effect, absence of the slightest trace of decomposition of the body or tearing of blood clots – seem to introduce us to another mystery… Find it in bookstores.

Holy Shroud / Holy Shroud

2the mountain path


Summary : Charles Wright, I read, May 2022. From Angoulême to the Abbey of Notre-Dame des Neiges in Ardèche, the author, a young Jesuit novice, and his fellow traveler walk more than seven hundred kilometers without money or cell phone, relying solely on generosity and providence. Walking with the imitation of Jesus Christ and Rimbaud, the pilgrim delivers his meditations and experiences that make the journey a wonderful story that makes you want more than anything to follow them in this exceptional human adventure! Find it in bookstores.




Summary : Pope Francis, Salvator, July 2022. Addressing the faithful, the pope recalls the importance and beauty of the liturgy. It also offers some food for thought. Find it in bookstores.

Catholic mass.

4the sisters book


Summary : by Amélie Nothomb, Albin Michel, August 2022. Two sisters, born of parents united by an exclusive love, also live an absolute love so close and at the same time so far from their distracted parents. A bible of feelings, a tribute to love and love affairs, a meditation on the passage of time and redemption through speech and words. Find it in bookstores.



Summary : by Emmanuel Carrère, POL, August 2022. V13: this is the code name of the trial of the terrorist attacks which, on Friday November 13, 2015, caused 130 deaths at the Stade de France, on terraces in eastern Paris, in the Bataclan concert hall. all the chronicles of Carrère who attended the trial of the attacks of November 13, 2015. Find it in bookstores.



Summary : by Anne Berest, Grasset, August 2021. It was a simple postcard, received on a winter’s day; it intrigued and then was forgotten. A few years later, the author feels the need to know his family roots, his first child will be born, history of transmission… From there begins a real investigation which leads Anne Berest to exhume stories and archives, to bring a tragic family history to life. through that of Europe during the dark years of Nazism and deportation. La Carte postale, a wonderfully constructed novel, has a powerful breath because it shows the quest of a young modern woman grappling with the secrecy and the silence that surrounds her, the secrecy that does not prevent the legacy of unexplained traumas. A gripping read that is as addictive as it is moving. Find it in bookstores.

7Science, the Test of God


Summary : by François Euvé, Salvator, May 2022. What is the real? Did the universe begin? What is the place of man within the cosmos? These philosophical and metaphysical questions show us that the most recent scientific theories have not succeeded in explaining everything. It is in this world that is more complex, even more mysterious than we thought, that the “hypothesis” of God reappears. According to François Euvé, we must first ask ourselves which God we are talking about. More broadly, we must question the principles on which modern science is based and its philosophical and theological presuppositions. Without yielding to the temptation of concordism, faith and science can dialogue and give us access to a truth that advocates neither scientistic materialism nor fideist irrationality. If science can purify religion of superstition, conversely, religion can help science to purify itself of false absolutes. Find it in bookstores.


8let those who are far return


Summary : by Pierre Adrian, Gallimard, August 2022. After long years of absence, a young man returns to the large family home. In this traditional setting, in contact with a little cousin who looks like him, between afternoons at the beach and parties on the port, he measures with melancholy the time that has passed. Chronicle of a gently sloping summer that begins in the beautiful light of August to end in darkness, this novel very delicately evokes the shift from childhood to adulthood. Find it in bookstores.

9Catechism of the Spiritual Life


Summary : by Robert Sarah, FayardMay 2022. To restore God’s place in our lives and that of the Church, Cardinal Robert Sarah does not propose any other path than that of the Gospel: the seven sacraments through which Christ touches us today form the fabric of this spiritual journey to which the Cardinal invites us, in a language marked by authenticity and missionary force. Find it in bookstores.

10the lion of alexandria


Summary : by Jean-Philippe Fabre, Deer, March 2022. Who is this leader of men from whom Iohanan, a boy from Jerusalem, fled one evening in the Kidron Valley? Why does it take thirty years of an uncompromising journey for Iohanan, who receives the Roman name of Mark, to fathom this enigma? How, having arrived in Rome, did he write the life of this mysterious man and compose the first of the four gospels? Where can Mark return if not to the city of his heart, splendid Alexandria, where, by his ardor and his guts, he will forever remain the evangelist to the lion? Find it in bookstores.

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The books you liked this summer

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