The 14 excuses you may have used for not playing

Do we play as often as we want? Here are the 14 most common excuses we sometimes use for not playing.

excuses for not playing

How many times a week, a month do you play a board game? Do you play as much as you want? Surprisingly, it’s not always easy to release a game and start a game. There are valid reasons not to play (no time because we leave for work in 5 minutes. Or work). And there are excuses not to play, which we have all invented, used.

Here is a list of 14 very common excuses that you have probably used at one time or another to postpone your game. Or see you next year. And the means to respond to it.

No, I do not have time

But how come, no time? While some games can last several hours, others can be very fast and only last 10-25 minutes.

And life is short, very short. What will be the moments you will remember on your deathbed? Those spent alone in your corner or those spent having fun, having fun with friends?

I am too busy

An excuse that is somewhat similar to the previous one. In meditation, we say: “if you don’t have time to meditate for twenty minutes, it’s because you have to meditate for two hours”. We should say the same for a board game game.

If we’re too busy to make a game, to have fun, then we should play more! Life is short. Very short. Too short.

I am a single parent raising eleven children on my own.

Eleven ? Not bad ! But then, why not start a game of board games together, as a family? Why not include them? So be it, games at eleven, there are relatively few, I grant you. But games at 8, it exists.

I already played yesterday

And ?

I’m already playing tomorrow

And ?

I don’t like to play

What an apology! How can you NOT like to play when the game is unique to human beings? And of the animal also besides? If you have a dog, or cat, a tarantula, you will also have noticed it. Playing relaxes, makes you laugh, brings you into contact with others. And for some, filing their tax return even becomes a game in itself.

It’s not that some people don’t like to gamble. It’s that they haven’t found it yet. shoes game at their feet”: management games, party games, communication games, dice games, card games, the list is long.

I’m not a kid anymore

Serious ? We don’t stop playing because we get old. We get old because we don’t play anymore. Gambling is far too often considered a childish, unserious activity – but it is not! Many games require significant intellectual efforts, strategies, tactics, reserved for adults. Many current board games are also reserved for adults since they announce ages from 12 or 14 years old.

I already played all my games

So what ? Is it impossible to re-re-re-play the same games? So certainly. Some games, narrative, or in Escape game mode are games… Kleenex. You play it once, and then that’s it. But it is the exception that makes the rule. Most games not date number of expiration parts.

And besides, the more you play a game, a good game, and the more you improve, the more new strategies you find. A lame excuse.

I don’t understand the rules

Yes okay, some board games can be very complex. But what defines today’s modern board games are short rules for rich and varied games. The publishers have understood that it is necessary to avoid scaring people with long and complex rules.

They are now, some of them anyway, making efforts to make them as clear and brief as possible. The best is still to try one, two, three rounds of play, just to see.

I played too much when I was a kid

You may be fed up with traditional board games, like Monopoly, Pictionary or Trivial Pursuit. But modern board games offer different experiences and sensations. Most often concentrated and intense.

And to say that one can be disgusted with acting is like saying that one can be disgusted with the cinema following a mediocre film that one would have seen. While there are so many movies coming out every year. Same for games, with more than 3,000 – 4,000 new releases per year!

I’m too bad a loser

So that’s as much a good excuse as a bogus excuse. Good excuse because there is nothing worse than a bad loser at a table. Better not to play to avoid spoiling the game for everyone.

A bogus excuse because 1. you just have to not lose 2. the more you play the more you… “heal” yourself. Little by little we will learn to lose. Even to play without necessarily wanting to win, even better! Personally, I never play to win. But for fun (at the same time, I have no choice, I lose all the time!).

I don’t like games…

Why, then ? A bad experience with this type of game or with this specific author? So why not try the same type but with another game, just to confirm / deny his dislike? Or simply let yourself be tempted by another kind of game?

I am too tired. I don’t want to concentrate

And I prefer to wallow on my couch to binge yet another (very average) series on Netflix. Play wakes up. Because playing is fun. Play wakes up. Because playing is being active. Can we fall asleep laughing, and/or having a good time? An excuse that does not hold.

Either way, I always lose

This excuse joins that of the sore loser above. After all, we play for fun. In our hyper-productivist societies, it is sometimes good to “let go”. And not necessarily aiming for victory. Just having a good time with friends. Why do we play? To create a link.

Article written by Gus. Editor-in-chief of Gus&Co. Has worked in the gaming world since 1989 as an author and journalist. And as a player, above all. He is also a fighter pilot for the American army, top model, bio-geneticist specializing in the resurrection of dinosaurs, world champion in Thai boxing and vegan baking, triceratops tamer, inventor of the iPhone and mythomaniac.

And you? Have you heard of any other (bogus) excuses not to play?

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The 14 excuses you may have used for not playing

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