How to beat the post-work vacation slump, executives say – Reuters

It’s post-holiday blues season.

Coming back into work mode after a few days of sleeping, unwrapping presents and drinking champagne can be brutal. But while the spell of holiday magic may have worn off, you don’t have to return to work in desperation.

“The first week of the year is like a warm-up period,” Laith Masarweh, CEO and founder of Assistantly, a virtual assistant recruitment company, told CNBC Make It. “Don’t put too much pressure on yourself to be 100% up to date. [Just] do your best to be positive and get excited for the new year ahead.”

Consider these executive tips for a smooth return to work after the holidays:

wake up earlier

It may seem counter-intuitive, but waking up a little earlier than usual on the first day you return to work after the holidays can help you get back to your schedule and reduce some of the anxiety you might feel about coming back.

Masarweh recommends starting your day with a brisk walk or run, or some other short exercise, that will “really work your mind and set you up for success.”

If morning exercise isn’t your thing, try a five-minute meditation or deep breathing exercise to calm your mind and trigger the release of endorphins, the feel-good hormones.

Set realistic expectations

Much of the dread people feel about returning to work after the holidays can be attributed to the mountain of unread emails and the pressure to “get to work,” says Jâlie Cohen, Head of Global Talent and Senior Vice President of Adecco Group. , a global human resources provider.

During this first week back, however, Cohen points out that you should feel empowered to set clear expectations with your manager and teammates about what responsibilities you prioritize and how many meetings you can realistically attend without yourself. exhaust.

“We’re just coming off the holidays, no one should expect you to have read all the emails and resolved all the issues that may have arisen at the end of the year,” she adds. “But being proactive in communicating what you’re working on and how much bandwidth you have when you get back is helpful because then people know exactly what to expect from you.”

Build time for fun into your schedule

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How to beat the post-work vacation slump, executives say – Reuters

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