How heart coherence can help you relax and de-stress?

There are several ways to relax. But some people believe that heart coherence is one of the most effective methods. This involves synchronizing your breathing with your heartbeat. This would help reduce stress and promote relaxation. How to get there ? Let’s take a closer look at this technique to find out.

The Science of Cardiac Coherence:

The science of cardiac coherence is the study of how the heart and brain work together to create a state of balance in the body. When the heart and brain are in sync, the body is able to function at its best. This state of balance feels like fuel that gives the body the energy to heal and grow.

The science of heart coherence is still relatively new, but it already provides insights into how we can improve our health and well-being. For example, research has shown that heart coherence can help lower blood pressure, improve sleep quality, and lower stress levels.

Additionally, cardiac coherence has also been associated with improved mental clarity and decreased anxiety. As research continues, we are likely to learn even more about the benefits of this fascinating field of study.

How to achieve this state of harmony?

The key to achieving heart coherence is to breathe deeply and slowly from the abdomen while focusing on the sensations in the region of the heart. This can be done while standing or sitting, keeping your eyes open or closed. It is essential to choose a comfortable position and not to force the breath. Just let the breath flow in and out naturally.

Once you’ve found your rhythm, it can be helpful to count each inhale and exhale. (e.g. inspiration 1-2-3-4, expiration 1-2-3-4). You can also focus on a mantra or a positive affirmation like “I am calm”, “I am safe” or “I am loved”.

How to relax in 5 minutes?

The technique of cardiac coherence seems to be more and more effective, particularly in stressful situations where your mind is cluttered with negative emotions that the need to unload is necessary to cope with everyday life.

To try it yourself, find a calm and optimal place to adopt your standing, sitting or lying position. Next, place your hand over your heart and stay focused on your breathing. The more you feel this depth and back and forth of the air flowing through your lungs, the more you begin to relax and unwind. If your mind wanders, just focus on your breathing and heart rate. With regular practice, cardiac coherence can contribute to the good management of stress and anxiety.

Another way to achieve heart coherence is to practice mindfulness meditation. This form of meditation involves focusing on the present moment without judgment. To do this, simply choose a position as you wish, sitting or lying down and focus your total concentration on your breathing. When thoughts arise, simply observe them without getting caught up in them. If your mind wanders, gently bring it back to your breathing rhythm. With practice, you will be able to expand your awareness and observe a thought without getting lost in it.

When is the right time to achieve cardiac coherence?

Cardiac coherence occurs when heart rate variability (HRV) is high and stable. The benefits of cardiac coherence include better physical and mental health, greater resistance to stress, and improved functioning of the autonomic nervous system. When is the best time to achieve cardiac coherence?

Some experts suggest that it can be helpful to exercise during low-stress times, such as in the morning or before bedtime. Additionally, it can be beneficial to train for short periods several times a day rather than trying to achieve long periods of consistency all at once. Ultimately, the best approach is probably one that works well for the individual and can be realistically incorporated into daily life.

Conclusion :

While deep breathing and mindfulness meditation are two effective ways to achieve heart coherence, it’s important to find what works best for you. Experiment with different techniques until you find one that resonates with you. The most important thing is to be patient and consistent in your practice. Remember there is no right or wrong way. The goal is simply to calm the mind and bring you to the present moment.

* Presse Santé strives to transmit health knowledge in a language accessible to all. In NO CASE, the information given can not replace the advice of a health professional.

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How heart coherence can help you relax and de-stress?

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