Generalized anxiety disorders: mindfulness meditation as effective as psychotropic drugs

Mindfulness meditation would be much more effective than an antidepressant in relieving characters facing strong and lasting anxiety.

The so-called “generalized” disorders are part of the six subtypes of anxiety disorders, including in particular agoraphobia, social anxiety or panic disorder. It is estimated that more than one in five French people (21%) suffer from generalized anxiety disorder during their lifetime, according to the High Authority for Health. These are characterized by “a persistent feeling of insecurity, a permanent and excessive worry which interferes with daily activities”, specifies the National Institute of Health and Medical Research (INSERM). In most of the cases, psychotherapy and or taking psychotropic drugs provide relief to patients, but an American study published in November 2022 in the journal JAMA Psychiatry reveals that mindfulness meditation would be just as beneficial in reducing symptoms.

Meditation as Medicine for Anxiety Disorders

Conducted under the leadership of Dr. Elizabeth Hoge of the Department of Psychiatry at Georgetown University (United States), a clinical trial including 276 adults with an average age of 33 proved that the benefits of mindfulness meditation were equivalent to those of escitalopram, a drug used to treat depression and generalized anxiety disorders. The severity of anxiety symptoms (agitation, nervousness, sleep disturbances, etc.) fell by 30% for both groups. The goal of mindfulness meditation is to bring your attention to the present moment, leaving aside the anxieties of the past and the apprehensions of the future. The first effects of this program based on contemplation and breathing — which not only reduces anxiety and stress, but also improves concentration and creativity — appeared after eight weeks.

Boost health and well-being

The practice of mindfulness will create an altered state of consciousness and it will therefore modify the functioning of our brain“, explained a practitioner of this type of meditation at the microphone of Europe 1 on November 21. By acting on our nervous system in this way, meditation will be able to bring calm and well-being to patients. It can help us be more compassionate towards ourselves, improve our decision-making, attention and memory. In addition to helping to manage stress, the practice of mindfulness meditation would help patients adopt healthier lifestyles that would help them manage stress.high blood pressure and reduce the risk of cardiovascular illnesses, says another study from the American Heart Association.

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Generalized anxiety disorders: mindfulness meditation as effective as psychotropic drugs

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