A big fatigue, a weariness of everyday life, need to take time for you? Why not do like Marie-Hélène and escape for a spiritual retreat.

Marie-Hélène, 60 years old, a former teacher and school principal, has made many spiritual retreats in recent years. “The idea of ​​a spiritual retreat came to me when I was going through a difficult period, following a separation. I needed to find myself, to calm down, to get away from my daily life. The school chaplaincy in Bourg-en-Bresse, which she attended, introduced her to the “Carmel of peace”, located in Mazille, a small village in Saône-et-Loire. This is where Marie-Hélène was welcomed by the Carmelite nuns.

“They are very open, they can receive groups as well as single people. Of all nationalities, of all religions or beliefs. ” Everyone is welcome. In Mazille, there is no question of money: “A box is placed in the dining room, everyone puts in it what they want or what they can…” Accommodation is provided for everyone. Daily life is very rhythmic: “Life in the Carmel takes care of us on the material level and life there is rhythmic, which allows us not to feel empty”. Meal times, prayer or meditation times. “This framework is very reassuring, allows you to get rid of the worries of everyday life, to not feel alone.

We are not asked anything, neither our name nor why we are here. We are not at any time obliged to tell each other. confides Marie-Hélène. “When we are in difficulty, we tend to exist only through our problems, the gaze of others is often heavy. A place where you are both anonymous, treated with kindness and respect is a real breath of fresh air. »

Organization of a typical day

The sisters meet basic needs, but then everyone organizes their time as they wish. We can decide, just like Marie-Hélène, to help the sisters. The Carmelite nuns are great farmers, so they always need help on the farm. They have a large garden, but also cows, sheep and therefore make their own cheese. It is possible or not to take part in times of prayer and meditation called “oraison” by the sisters. “These moments taught me to empty my mind, to refocus, to live in the present moment.

When I say “learned”, it’s only the beginning, I mostly started to understand what it was all about! Mediation is a long road…. But this little experience changed a lot of things for me, I understood that it was possible and even fundamental to stop, to refocus, to breathe…” The rest of the time, Marie-Hélène reads or writes, enjoying peace, silence and freedom. We speak little with the sisters. In reality, we communicate little with the spoken word.

This silence is not heavy: “There is always music and the necessary communication takes place through gestures and the gaze”. If we wish, we can ask for a speaking time with a sister. Meals are done in silence. They are also of high quality because they are made using farm products that they produce themselves. A few years later, Marie-Hélène decided to repeat the experience: “I quite naturally thought of Mazille, of the peace and freedom that one could find there.

I went there for a week, then I regularly went back for a few days each time I was on vacation. “Even if I space out my stays, even if I don’t go there very often, I know that this place exists, that it is ready to welcome me and it is very important and balancing for me”. If you also want to go to Carmel, you will need to book in advance. The reception of the sisters has been very successful.

Preparing for your spiritual retreat

The important thing is to choose the place well. To fully benefit from the effects of relaxation and calm, it is essential to feel good in the chosen environment. It’s up to you to know if you prefer a religious place: Monastery, Buddhist temple… Or rather enjoy the absolute calm of a retreat in the middle of nature in an isolated village, or even in a forest for a retreat in total immersion with nature… people who choose the spiritual retreat are most of the time invited to live this experience in silence. Whatever location you choose. As the famous philosopher Alan Watts said, “To clear muddy water, it is best to let it stand.”

Silence is above all to hear oneself. If the choice of location is important, the choice of the person(s) who will take care of you during this experience is everything.
as much. For specific retreats, such as those offering yoga, make sure the person is professional and qualified for it. Retreats of this type are on the rise and some unscrupulous people take advantage of this windfall to improvise as a master yogi…

Beware also of charlatans and other gurus who promise you the cure of your illnesses. Although spiritual retreats have a real benefit on your physical and mental health, they will never cure cancer, despite what some ill-intentioned gurus claim. Do not stop your treatments. However, take advantage of this break that you allow yourself to listen to your body, your needs, and, in this way, improve your general well-being. Do not hesitate to use the experience of others to choose the place of your spiritual retreat.

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