The Secret: Get what you want with the law of attraction

What if our thoughts had a real influence on events? This is the starting point of the best-selling The Secret*: a book written by Rhonda Byrne in 2006 which demonstrates the powers of positive thinking and the law of attraction.

Since then, a documentary film has also been released and has been seen (and acclaimed) by more than five million people. The book therefore starts from the simple postulate that each of us can have, do or be whatever he wants thanks to the law of attraction and positive thinking. Through several testimonials from philosophers, entrepreneurs, doctors, writers… the author Rhonda Byrne deciphers “The Secret” and teaches us how to use it to realize all our dreams, whatever the field (love, money, health…).

According to the author, the most famous characters in history like Plato, Einstein, or Bill Gates used “The Secret” to succeed. And if this technique “does not work every time”, the important thing is to adopt positive thinking as a daily driving force.

What is the law of attraction?

The phenomenon of the law of attraction is simple: we attract what we think about. A bit like the principle that makes us move, towards where we look. According to “the Secret”, “thoughts are magnetic and send out a frequency”. When we think, we send a signal into what the author calls “the Universe” and this signal attracts twin thoughts that have the same frequency.

In other words, our thoughts become real: if we think we are going to succeed, we succeed, and conversely, if we think we are going to fail, we fail!

According to John Assaraf**, one of the speakers in The secret, the problem is that “Most people think about what they don’t want and wonder why they don’t get anything else.” According to this theory, there would be no limit and the human being would be able to achieve everything he wants just with the help of the law of attraction, which would be infallible.

How to use positive thinking?

The most important element of the law of attraction is positive thinking. It is imperative to focus on what you want and not on what you don’t want. Indeed, according to the theory developed in The secretthe Universe, which welcomes each of our thoughts, does not take negation into account.

In other words, if you think “I don’t want to be late”, the Universe understands: “I want to be late”. So always think positive (“I want to be punctual”). For example, if one thinks of wealth and abundance, one attracts money. Conversely, if we think of debts and poverty, we attract lack. When it comes to health, the Placebo effect is a good example of the law of attraction. In the same way, in a relationship, if we focus on what is going well instead of only highlighting what is wrong, there will inevitably be better harmony.

In order to be in a positive dynamic, there are “secret triggers” that allow you to change the negative frequency on which you are in order to refocus on the positive: pleasant memories, favorite music…

Ask, Believe, and Receive

At first, it is therefore a question of clearly expressing your request so that the Universe can understand the wish. Then, you have to act as if you had already obtained what you wanted, to finally feel ready to accept his request.

If it is the soul mate we are looking for, for example, it is essential to be sure that our behavior is in line with our desires. Are we leaving room for someone in our life? In practice, you can stop sleeping in the middle of the bed to leave “his” side to a potential partner, or make room for him in his dressing room… Once you have asked finding your better half, you have to live as if she were already by our side to be ready to receive her when she comes to us.

You can create your day in advance by thinking about how you would like it to go. In the same way, in the evening, it is recommended to think back to your day and if there are things that you did not like, redo them in your head as you would have liked them to happen.

The limits of positive thinking

In her book, Rhonda Byrne is categorical: the law of attraction necessarily works. Therefore, if your project fails, it’s your fault. We would therefore be sick because we would not have thought enough about perfect health? Should we live in a purely positive world, without thinking or looking at the misfortune of others at the risk of being contaminated by it? Should we close our eyes to the world? Sometimes, the secret seems simplistic (“don’t watch dramatic news anymore, divert the conversation when someone tells you about their illness, visualize yourself receiving checks in the mail and you will receive some…”) and we almost wonder if they’re not trying to get us into a cult…

But if we take a step back from all this, and for having tested it, we can also say to ourselves that ultimately, it can’t hurt us to use positive thinking. Maybe the Universe is not the genie of the lamp and won’t grant all our wishes (if any!), but it is certain that we will attract more people to our side and that our plans will come true. easier if you believe in it.

In the end, perhaps the secret is to believe in yourself?

* The Secret, by Rhonda Byrne, Ed. A Different World
**Bestselling author, speaker and business advisor.

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The Secret: Get what you want with the law of attraction

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