Lunar calendar January 2023: rituals to boost your confidence and attract luck!

What a start to an already tumultuous and exciting year! While it hasn’t even been a week since we said goodbye to 2022, we know that 2023 is already looking promising! If you’re one of those people who live their lives by the stars and the phases of the moon, you’ve come to the right place! January is already hectic, so I’ll guide you through the retrogrades and moon phases accordingly, so you don’t find yourself living in chaos, but rather in peace. So, without further ado, let’s talk about the rituals that will benefit you this month and how to perform them according to the January 2023 lunar calendar!

Lunar calendar dates: When is the full moon January 2023?

  • Full moon : January 07, 2023, sign of Cancer
  • Last quarter: January 15, 2023, sign of Libra
  • New Moon : January 21, 2023, sign of Aquarius
  • First Quarter: January 28, 2023, sign of Taurus

Lunar calendar January 2023: lunar activities and rituals

If you believe in the law of attraction and the Universe is huge and every star and planet has an effect on us… Then welcome to our warm little family here at DeaVita. As many people are skeptical about the phases of the moon and their effect on us, we understand that many of you are reading this out of sheer curiosity…while ridiculing the entire ordeal. And I understand, I was by your side before! Until I started getting interested in wonderful world of astrologyto the pagan beliefs and practices et alhe way they played an important role in the lives of our ancestors. So even if you’re skeptical, following these steps is a form of self-care and self-love that will leave you feeling better, more relaxed, and more confident. You do not believe me ? I challenge you to try!

Also read: Free love horoscope 2023 : here is what awaits you in your love life!

Cut your hair with the moon

Did you know that if you cut your hair according to the moon, it will grow faster and stronger? You may have heard some people do this before. And frankly, I thought they were completely nuts. How cutting your hair on a certain day can have more influence on its growth than cutting it on another day? According to folklore, if hair is cut during the wax phase of the Moon (between new moon and full moon), growth is encouraged. The opposite will happen if the hair is cut during the descending phase (from the day after the full moon to the eve of the new one).

Cut your hair with the moon

Well, logically, that doesn’t make sense. However, we are not here to be logical, but rather to feel better about ourselves. But ! There is some truth in all of this! Cutting your hair each month on a specific day will create a pattern that your hair will recognize. And even though we don’t touch our root during the cut, we are made of moving atoms that shape and define us. Think about the experience of water and its molecules. Molecules have a memory. Talking badly about water, it turns rancid when you drink it. But if you talk to her nicely, she’ll taste fresher than ever. Molecules change the way she is, and while this example is somewhat removed from cutting our hair, you get the idea. The best day to encourage growth this month is to cut it on January 28 (the First Quarter). Otherwise, see our article on haircut according to the phases of the moon to know more !

Meditate with the moon

meditate with the moon

Do this quick and easy meditation during the full moon, when the energy is at its highest. If you find it difficult to concentrate, you can start with two to three minute meditations and gradually lengthen them. Besides, here is a quick tutorial and even a relaxing video to guide you through this process. You will feel more relaxed than ever!

  • Sit on a cushion or rug in front of the window (or outside if you’re daring) where you can see the moon.
  • Then close your eyes and feel the moonlight fill your whole body.
  • Focus on your breathing and the good intention you have set.
  • Then imagine the light of the moon enveloping and purifying your body, mind and soul.
  • Finally, open your eyes slowly. Repeat as often as you want!

Get started with divination

full moon ritual

  • Tarot cards are the best known form of divination and a great hobby to practice during full moon and new moon. Even if you don’t believe it, just studying their design is fascinating. The tarot was born in the 15th century in Italy and has evolved a lot since then. It’s a great way to see yourself through another person’s eyes and find solutions to your problems. In fact, the tarot has specific draws based on the phases of the moon. If you have a burning question you want answered, know that during the night the energies are at their peak.
  • You can also try playing with oracle cardswhich have amazing designs and are much more positive than tarot cards.
  • The pendulum is a great way to play with your emotions… And also to answer questions that you do not answer yourself. The pendulum does not actually move on its own, but is triggered by the micro-movements made by your subconscious. It’s a fun activity and an interesting experience to answer difficult questions… With even more difficult answers!
  • We do not recommend playing with a OUIJA board or a crystal ballbecause it’s far too dangerous. On the other hand, why not try garden with the moon ? Try a different form of self-love and self-care this month!

We want to thank the writer of this short article for this outstanding content

Lunar calendar January 2023: rituals to boost your confidence and attract luck!

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