French women are more and more unfaithful, according to a study!

This study about infidelity carried out by Gleeden involved 6,000 individuals statistics distributed throughout Europe. The adulterous dating site had in this investigation particularly targeted heterosexual people living on the big continent. Precisely in order to establish what kind of person according to his sex would be the most unfaithful. The figures had thus indicated that the French were undoubtedly the most tempted by the idea of ​​going elsewhere. More specifically women who were around 32% during a survey carried out in 2014. This rate would be reduced to 38% for this year 2022. An increase to which an explanation is essential.

A study conducted by Gleeden

The 2014 version of this same study revealed that 55% of men would have been infidels towards their wives. However, this figure has dropped considerably for this year 2022. since they were only 46% to have already cheated on their wives. Everyone knows that adultery is likely to harm a relationship in addition to being punishable by law. So why is this rate clearly increasing among French women? The results of a survey carried out by Version Femina highlighted physical attraction dissipated for 41% of adulterous women. 35% of them, on the other hand, deplored the lack of attention from their partners. The drop in arousal can also lead to infidelity, as confirmed by 28% of the population concerned. You will understand that everyone ultimately has their reasons for looking elsewhere.

If France sadly holds the record for infidelity in all of Europe, know that the United Kingdom and Spain are also affected. Nevertheless, the statistics recorded in these countries are far from reaching the heights accumulated in France. For exemple, only 17% of our Spanish neighbors would consider being unfaithful to their wives against 42% among the French. The latter would also be the most open to free union, threesomes or swinging. By the way 18% of people questioned on this subject had already tried the experiment. 33% of them would be interested through these non-exclusive relationships.

Are French women unfaithful?

So the statistics have spoken, but what about the reality? It is difficult to be fixed on this subject since it also depends on the regions and the culture of origin of each person studied. In any case, rare are those who sink into adultery for no real reason. There are certainly those who deceive for the simple pleasure of seducing, but they are rather rare compared to those who do it out of necessity. Lack of attention from the spouse, infidelity coming from the latter, lack of physical attraction, everyone can finally go through it.

The French infidels?

Especially since the values ​​accorded to marriage today are no longer the same as they once were. People in couples prefer to turn their backs on the real sources of their problems by going directly to see elsewhere. It’s as if the power of discussion isn’t the same as it was a few years ago. However, love remains as much the basis of any relationship as a couple. An indestructible base that should force mutual respect between spouses. This, regardless of the issues of contention.

We want to give thanks to the author of this short article for this outstanding content

French women are more and more unfaithful, according to a study!

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