Meaning and Uses of Kyanite in Feng Shui | Nostrodomus

Although Kyanite’s name comes from a Greek word meaning “dark blue”, this crystal actually comes in many colors. Each color of kyanite has unique properties and applications, but it is generally a peaceful, grounding stone. The properties of kyanite are useful in the production of certain industrial components, but this rare gemstone is most valuable when fashioned into jewelry, due to its striking colorations and patterns.

Kyanite offers more than the beauty of its deep blue color. Explore the healing qualities of kyanite to improve your home’s feng shui.

What is kyanite?

Kyanite is a powerful crystal with a very soothing and calming energy. Unlike many crystals, it does not collect negative energy and therefore does not need to be cleansed. Kyanite is particularly useful for facilitating communication and meditation.

Properties of Kyanite

  • Color: Blue, white, grey, black, green, yellow, pink, green, orange.
  • chakra: All, especially the throat and the third eye
  • Number: Vibrates up to 4
  • Planet: Venus
  • Zodiac: Aries, Libra, Taurus
  • Bagua areas:Kan
  • Elements: Water, Metal
  • Origin: Austria, Brazil, Italy, India, Switzerland, USA

Meaning and Use of Kyanite

Kyanite is a powerful stone with many useful applications. It has a calming and grounding energy, which makes it useful for balancing emotions and accessing meditative states. It can also help us connect to our intuitive abilities and remember our dreams, and it opens the third eye chakra.

Kyanite helps us find clarity. It shows us how past behaviors have contributed to current circumstances, and helps us recognize that we have the ability to change our path. It also clears blockages and negative patterns so that we can make positive changes in our lives. Kyanite can also be used to find a more satisfying and aligned life path and career.

Types of Kyanite

Crystalline Kyanite

Crystalline Kyanite has a high vibration and is especially helpful in facilitating connections and creating lasting relationships.

Ruby Kyanite

Kyanite is sometimes found with ruby, and these stones have the properties of both minerals. Kyanite Ruby can help you prioritize your needs, understand your emotions, and communicate those emotions to others.

The Best Gemstones for Good Feng Shui

black kyanite

Black Kyanite has a very protective and grounding energy. It is useful for cutting negative ties and for protection in situations where energy is drained.

blue kyanite

Blue is the color most commonly associated with kyanite. Blue Kyanite is a beneficial stone for spirituality, communication and self-expression. It can help you speak your truth, feel more peaceful, and connect to higher consciousness. It is particularly linked to the throat chakra.

Uses in Feng Shui

Activate Kan, the Career Domain

The Kan area of ​​the feng shui bagua map relates to your career and your path in life. Working with kyanite can be helpful in finding a career and path that is aligned and fulfilling, so it can be a particularly beneficial addition to the Kan area of ​​your home. If you want clarity on your career path, try placing kyanite in the Kan position with this intention. This area is also related to the color black, so it can be especially beneficial to place black kyanite here.

Activate the metal element

Working with Kyanite can invite clearer speech and communication, which are qualities associated with the metal element in feng shui. If you often find it hard to express what you need or believe in, you might want to work with the metal element. Try wearing a piece of kyanite on your person to further encourage these qualities of the metal element.

Activate the water element

In feng shui, the water element is related to intuition and depth. Kyanite helps facilitate a stronger connection to intuition, and can help you go deeper as you turn inward in meditation. Because the water element is connected to the color black, you may want to work with black kyanite if you want to invite more qualities of the water element into your life.

Create a protective grid

If you feel you need more protection, you can try creating a crystal protection grid in your home. To do this, place four pieces of black kyanite, one in each corner of your home, and intend for this grid to create a protective shield against any negative or unwanted energy.

Improve your meditation space

Kyanite is a wonderful stone for meditation as it increases feelings of calm and grounding. Try placing a piece of kyanite where you usually like to meditate, and see if that helps you slip into your practice more easily.

Bring calm to your bedroom

The bedroom is one place in the house where you really want to cultivate a sense of calm and peace. This is where you go to rest and recharge, so it’s important to arrange the room to facilitate relaxation. Introducing kyanite into the bedroom is a wonderful way to work with the calming energy of this stone. Because it is also a protective crystal, keeping kyanite near your bed can be helpful if you sometimes have trouble sleeping or relaxing. Kyanite is also known to help with dream recall, so you can try placing it on your nightstand if that’s something you want to improve.

Activate your home office

Kyanite helps with prioritizing, planning, persevering, and communicating, all qualities that are important for career and business. In feng shui, your home office represents your career, so making feng shui adjustments here is one way to make changes in this area of ​​your life. Try placing a piece of kyanite on your desk or in your home office to harness the qualities of this stone in your career.

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Meaning and Uses of Kyanite in Feng Shui | Nostrodomus

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