Dreaming of death: what interpretation?

Your heart pounding in your chest, your face moist: you have just dream of death. Yours, someone else’s, whatever, you would have done without this nightmare that will haunt you for the rest of the night. What if this dream was not an ominous bird, but a way for our spirit to tell us things? We tell you everything.

Dreaming of death: an indication of changes in your life?

Contrary to what one would be tempted to think, dreaming of death is not something negative. “Dreaming of death is always a sign of a change, of an inner transformation”, explains Jennifer Puech, a Jungian psychoanalyst. “In some dreams, the most frequent, we feel a sense of impending death. We dream that we are dying, that we are sick or that we are the victim of a serious accident. We know we are going to die in the dream, but we suddenly wake up just before the dream death. These dreams leave us with a feeling of ill-being when we wake up,” notes the specialist.

Dreaming of the announcement of his death is a sign of important changes to come. This can be personal, emotional or professional transformations. In any case, it indicates that your personality is on the move. If your death is violent, it symbolizes a real upheaval that may occur unexpectedly in your life. “In this type of dream, the dreamer expresses an existential angst often linked to the fear of change. Our ego feels threatened by this coming transformation. He therefore assimilates this evolution to the death of the physical body, ”explains the specialist.

Dreaming about the death of someone you love and particularly of his parents is the sign, here too, of great transformations in our lives. It can also refer to a desire to be more independent and to take control of your life. Whether in the present or in the near future, a revival is pointing the tip of its nose.

If your dream revolves around the death of a child, it is a way to encourage you to be more mature in your decisions. The death of a child symbolizes the transition to adulthood. It’s a way to inspire you to grow and gain wisdom.

Thus, dreaming of death is, in most cases, far from negative. This sometimes traumatic dream often indicates a second wind. “Symbolically, it tells us about certain behaviors, thoughts or beliefs that we need to shed. Through dream death, we become aware that these attitudes are harmful to us and that we must separate ourselves from them. We have to let a part of us, which no longer needs to be, die, ”explains Jennifer Puech.

Dreaming of the death of a loved one, a sign of a questioning to be done

Dreaming about the death of your spouse or a loved one can be quite traumatic. It is usually a signal that the relationship needs to change. “Dreaming about the death of a loved one or a parent generally corresponds to a process of symbolic death, as for ourselves. Process necessary for our personal evolution. The unconscious informs us that the relationship with this person must change because it no longer suits us”, explains Jennifer Puech. It can be about breaking up a toxic relationship or changing that relationship. “For example, changing our behavior in relation to the person concerned or learning to detach in certain relationships of affective dependance“, specifies the psychoanalyst. Thereby, dream of the death of a living person can be a way to open our eyes to a loved one who is not so benevolent after all.

To understand what this dream is trying to tell you, try to determine the dominant character trait of the deceased. If for you, the person who dies represents the joy of living and cheerfulness, it means that this part of him is being extinguished in favor of others. Personality traits. If this change is positive, try to support it as best you can. On the contrary, if the character trait that tends to evaporate is useful for the person, try to talk to him about it.

Dreaming about the death of your parents can illustrate a process of separation and freedom. “The death of our parents in our dreams reflects a detachment necessary for our individuation. This frees us from educational conditioning. These are therefore very positive dreams,” says Jennifer Puech.

If in your dream you touched a dead person, this indicates a possible significant loss of money. It may be a warning to encourage you to manage your money better. Dream of watching over a dead person symbolizes the guilt one feels after a bad judgment or bad action. In this case, we encourage you to apologize to the person affected by your attitude. To dream of a dead man in his own bed signifies the rupture and the presence of a deep sadness in us, the bed being an intimate place and the symbol of our heart.

Can dreaming of death mean a good omen?

“In general, dreams about death are very positive. They express a necessary change, a need for evolution of the psyche”, indicates Jennifer Puech. “For this inner metamorphosis to take place, the dreamer must abandon behaviors, bonds, attachments, which hinder him. It is a story of mourning. We must mourn past attitudes and relationships throughout our history,” notes the expert.

Dreaming of your own death can also witness a change: a new job, a new partner, an unexpected trip… “These dreams are often initiatory. They symbolize a transformation achieved. The dreamer gave up some behaviors, thoughts, harmful to him. He ended some toxic attachments or relationships. By this dreamlike death, the unconscious symbolizes the completed positive change”, confirms the psychoanalyst.

As Jennifer Puech reminds us: “Our dreams are guides. They transmit to us the messages of the unconscious”. Dreams invite us to delve into ourselves and question our choices, attitudes or relationships. “If we listen to their messages, they lead us to an inner metamorphosis. The theme of death is very powerful because it calls us to a radical change”, analyzes the specialist.

As you will have understood, dreaming of death is not as serious as it sounds. It is more of a symbolic dream that indicates a phase of change. However, as with any dream, it is necessary to take into account the context, the experience and the associations of the dreamer to interpret the dream of death.

> Thanks to Jennifer PuechJungian psychoanalyst and psychotherapist, for his expertise.

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Dreaming of death: what interpretation?

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