3 tips to start working on your dreams

For Tristan Moir, psychoanalyst and orinotherapist, “the dream is the therapeutic tool par excellence since it will reveal everything. According to Jung and Jouvet, the very basis of the dream is to come and reconnect us to our fundamental identity, that is to say what we are, as individuals, fundamentally, at our birth”. A dream would be like a strand of DNA: it would contain our whole life, as long as we could spend a few days analyzing it in detail, sentence by sentence. To simplify the interpretation of a very dense or too complex dream, one can first work on the point of emergence, the key image, the emotional peak. There is already a lot to do!

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Did you know ?

“A dream is made up of 95% visual elements. There may be sounds and sensations, these are the remaining 5%, but mostly these are images. Moreover, people who have lost their sight continue to dream in a colorful way. »

Verbalize your dream

The dream is a communication tool. By telling it, we give it a constructed form and consistency. This is why, when we write it down, “it’s important not to do it in a telegraphic style because the structure of the writing of the dream is also revealing of our psychic structure”, underlines Tristan Moir.

Also, the expert recommends reading his dream aloud or, even better, telling it to someone, because we ourselves, and even more so the other, will hear some things that were not reflected in the writing. For example, when saying “in my dream, I drive my car badly”, I can be struck by this expression, and make an association: “I drive my car badly, I behave badly”.

Focus on what you remember

This advice stems from the previous one: what is important is what is remembered. The more emotionally charged a dream is, the more likely it is to be remembered. It is therefore useless to focus on what we do not remember.

It should also be noted that most of the time, we do not remember the beginning of a dream and that one in two dreams has no outcome. “Often, the dreams remain open: they have presented an important theme to resolve, but of which we do not yet have the keys”, explains the psychoanalyst. One can then begin to work consciously to find them.

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Four basic rules for interpreting your dreams

Never take a dream literally.
Never think that a dream is premonitory.
Always look for the hidden meaning of a dream.
Bring things back to yourself and not project your dream onto others. The dream is addressed to the one who makes it.

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3 tips to start working on your dreams

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