Totem animal: How to find your spirit guide in the animal world? The steps to follow

Animals are ubiquitous in our lives, whether it’s our beloved domestic dog or the stray cat we see from time to time. Yet we often lack an understanding of their symbolic nature and the key characteristics that define them. That’s why we created this article, to show you how to find your totem animal (spirit guide).

Totem animal: meaning in a person’s life

If you have read our article on lucky plants according to the astrological sign, this topic might also interest you. Shamans believe that spirit animals are revealed to guide and protect people. They offer insight into our subconscious and convey meaningful messages if you are willing to listen to them. Your spirit animal is meant to serve as your guide and bring your attention to parts of your life that need to be recognized and explored.

what is my totem animal

By familiarizing yourself with the archetypal traits and behaviors of your spirit guide, you will begin to understand the signs you need to watch out for to know if he is near you. When you invoke him through the practice of meditation, mindfulness or prayer, you can ask him to show you the way forward. You can also set an intention for your dreams before bed to encourage your spirit animal to show up.

how to find your totem animal

Sometimes the signs of your animal spirit guide can be subtle, presenting themselves in a more symbolic form, while other signs can be more blatant physical forms. Spending more time in natural environments will undoubtedly help you reunite with your totem. Disconnecting from technology and reconnecting with the Earth is necessary to establish this connection.

wolf totem animal

animal totem wolf test

The wolf symbolizes a strong connection with instincts and when it appears as an animal spirit guide it can indicate a way to understand the world around you.

Whether the wolf appears in physical form or in a dream or meditation, it can reveal that you are using your intuition to properly understand a situation. The fact that your wolf guide appears could also be a call to use this ability to deal with a challenge you have encountered in your life.

If the presence of the wolf seems threatening to you, pay attention to how your instinctual nature and your raw emotions can jeopardize your balance or that of the people around you. Your power animal may appear in this light to warn you against the all-consuming instincts of someone around you.

Owl spirit animal

what does owl totem animal mean

As a spirit animal, the owl guides you to see beyond the veil of deception and illusion; it helps to see what is hidden. It also symbolizes the ability to cut through illusions and understand the real meaning of a person’s action or state of mind. When the owl is one of your power animals, you have strong intuition and can access information and wisdom that is usually unavailable to most people.

The owl is a powerful spiritual guide for discernment and making decisions based on solid foundations. Call on the totem when you need to assess a situation or when you are going through a period of confusion.

bear totem animal

what does bear totem animal mean

The spirit of the bear is a strong source of support in difficult times. It gives courage and a stable base to face challenges. When the bear appears as a spirit guide in your life, it may be time to stand up for your beliefs or your truth. His strength and powerful stature will inspire you to take on a leadership role and act without fear.

As the bear is often associated with shamans in many traditions, this animal can symbolize healing abilities and play the role of the healer. If the bear appears in your life, it may be time to take care of your own needs, whether on a physical, emotional or spiritual level. Be sensitive to where you are and think about where you need the most healing.

Falcon personal totem

what is my falcon totem animal

If you have the falcon as your totem animal, you may be inclined to play with divination tools and use your intuition to guide your steps in life.

When you sense the animal’s presence, avoid distractions and focus on the task at hand. At the same time, hawks can soar and fly high in the sky. They have the power to help you gain a higher level of perspective on any issue or project you take on.

The falcon is also a bird of prey. It emphasizes your ability to lead and influence others. When the bird is present in your life, it can mean that it is time to take more initiative and be active. Observe the situation, then act when the time is right.


what is your totem animal fox

When the fox appears in your life as a spirit animal, it encourages action and quick movement. Inspired by this totem, you can work to develop the acuity of your mental skills: analytical intelligence, the power of deduction and observation, in order to manage daily affairs or larger projects.

When the fox sends you a message, it may indicate that you need to be careful of people or circumstances that may deceive you or lead you down a path that may not necessarily serve you. Be discerning in your choices and actions.

The fox, as a spiritual guide, offers good teachings on how to circumvent obstacles instead of facing them head on. You will find that you could be smarter in the way you deal with your projects.

how to know your totem animal

Your spirit animal is the embodiment of your subconscious and therefore cannot be chosen. It is he who must choose you. In most cases, it manifests at a time when your mind is relaxed and able to wander inwardly, such as in dreams or meditation. However, spirit animals can also manifest in physical form, often exhibiting unusual behavior or showing up multiple times in a row.

1. Observe nature

Your ability to find your spirit animal, and your receptivity to its guidance, depends on your ability to observe the natural world and identify signs and symbols.

2. Take note of animal encounters

Be open and attentive when animals appear in your life. Take note of repeat encounters. Whether in physical or symbolic form, such as an object or an image.

totem animal meaning how to find

3. Ceremony

Have a ceremony to call on your spirit animal. Ceremonies may involve the burning of medicinal plants, such as sage and palo santo, as well as chanting and the creation of altars. During the ceremony, ask your spirit animal to show itself, in vision, in dream or in flesh and blood. Do not ask questions and do not think too much about their appearance. Ask instead for his support and guidance.

4. Research the animals that interest you

Research the animals that interest you. If you remember the influence of certain animals during your childhood, research scientific information about them.

how to know what your totem animal is

5. Meditate

Call on your inner guide to find your spirit animal. Bring it out of your subconscious with tenderness. By opening your heart and focusing your mind, you will be more receptive to its energy and wisdom.

6. Document your dreams

Dreams are often the subconscious’ way of processing complex emotions, as well as manifestations of unconscious images and guidance. Write down your dreams and as many details as you can remember. You might be surprised to find the presence of a recurring animal.

how to meet your totem animal

7. Travel

Embrace the journey process. According to shamanic tradition, the journey allows you to view your life from a deeply connected and spiritual state, often revealing your true inner self.

8. Express gratitude

Indeed, your spirit animal is a powerful ally. Always thank him for his guidance and support. Like any relationship, the bond with a spirit animal must be nurtured.

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Totem animal: How to find your spirit guide in the animal world? The steps to follow

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