The 10 most beautiful mystical first names for a girl

Choosing a first name for your child is an exercise as exciting as it is complicated, as the choice is as wide as it is important. A child’s surname says a lot about the tastes of his parents, hence the importance of finding the right source of inspiration to baptize your baby.

The mystical first names will land in force in 2023

Each year has its own trend in terms of female first names as masculine, notably thanks to the influence of pop culture. For example, we no longer count the number of little Khaleesi born after Game of Thrones, or even the return of first names from the 80s thanks to the Stranger Things series.

But what could influence the future parents In the coming months ? According to British baby name expert Steph Coffield, baby names “dark and stormyx”, inspired by mystical universes, are expected to gain popularity in 2023. Why? As she explained to Metro UK, it is simply because of the attraction for the mystical series of the moment, from The Witcher to Wednesday on Netflix, also passing … By horror films ! But the popularity of mystical first names is also due to the growing interest of the general public in the world of witchcraft, divination or even mythology. So many new sources of inspiration for choose a nice name !

What mystical first name to choose for your daughter?

Are you interested in the idea of ​​a mystical feminine name for your unborn granddaughter? Because the meaning behind these surnames for girls is just as important, discover our 10 favorite mystical first names.

First name straight from The Witcher series, Yennefer is a first name of Welsh origin inspired by the words “gwen” (meaning light) and “hwyfar” (tenderness, sweetness). In French, the equivalents are Guenièvre, Geneviève or even Jennifer, for more modernity.

In lithotherapy, amethyst is a stone that has many powers, including a soothing power, which causes those who possess it to protect themselves, while dispelling bad thoughts. A talisman first name for a little girl, therefore.

We’ll have to get used to it: the resurgence of popularity of the Adams Family thanks to the Netflix series Wednesday risks boosting this very original first name, but not so different from first names like April, June or Autumn, which are very popular.

In the Greek mythologyCassandre is a cursed seer: cursed by the god Apollo, she has the gift of reading the future, but her predictions will never be believed by anyone.

Morgana is a fairy name which refers to the fairy Morgane, the half-sister of King Arthur often presented as the adversary of the monarch, or even Merlin the enchanter.

This pretty retro name which is gradually regaining popularity has a link with the tarot: in this divinatory card game, it is the first name that the Empress card bears, which represents desire, beauty and fertility.

Mixed first name and unusual, the first name Jupiter also refers to the roman mythology than to the planet, for those who like names related to astronomy.

A name inspired by Harry Potter, but also by astronomy, Luna refers to the Moon, the ultimate symbol of the feminine in many mythological beliefs.

Original and unusual first name, Zéphanie is a biblical name which refers to the Witch of Endor, a necromancer carrying a talisman that allows her to communicate with the afterlife.

Plants have great importance in the mystical universe, and therefore represent a perfect source of inspiration for first names. Danae, for example, is a elven name which means “laurel”, a plant to which many powers are attributed.

We wish to say thanks to the writer of this article for this remarkable material

The 10 most beautiful mystical first names for a girl

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