15 Most Beautiful Japanese Temples and Shrines

15 Most Beautiful Japanese Temples and Shrines

Japan is home to architectural wonders, including temples and shrines. Discover the 15 most beautiful of them. Sensoji is one of the temples to absolutely visit during a trip to Japan. Especially since history buffs will be happy to discover the oldest Buddhist temple in Tokyo, the capital of the land of the rising sun.Built … Read more

Here are 6 habitual wellness practices to steal from Japanese women

Here are 6 habitual wellness practices to steal from Japanese

The hectic pace of modern life can be tough on anyone, but it seems women often bear the brunt of it. If you’re looking for ways to feel more relaxed and less stressed, follow the advice of Japanese women. From using varieties of massage to “forest bathing” breaks, these wellness secrets can help you calm … Read more

Mindfulness Day: how to celebrate the world day dedicated to meditation and mindfulness? – Media Patrollers

Mindfulness Day how to celebrate the world day dedicated to

Every year on September 12, the day of mindfulness is celebrated around the world and lovers of this practice gather in meditation groups, attend seminars or simply devote a few minutes of their time to mindfulness. Here are some ideas on how best to spend the day. Every year the September 12around the world is … Read more

Health: how to stop rehashing your thoughts before falling asleep?

Health how to stop rehashing your thoughts before falling asleep

This is the question that bothers health experts… How to stop ruminating before falling asleep? We tell you everything! It’s not easy to stop thinking before sleeping! This is why several health experts have revealed some tips to stop ruminations before bedtime! MCE TV tells you everything from A to Z. When sleeping becomes complicated … Read more

Vos enfants passent trop de temps sur les écrans ? Voici la solution avec notre sélection de conteuses pour Noël

Vos enfants passent trop de temps sur les ecrans

Ordinateur, tablette, téléphone… À l’ère du tout numérique, de plus en plus de parents cherchent à limiter les écrans aux enfants. Voici des alternatives pour votre enfant, sans écran ni connexion, de belles idées cadeau pour Noël ! FABA de 0 à 6 ans Grâce à ses personnages sonores à collectionner FABA raconte des histoires et … Read more

Sound therapy: definition, indications, course of sessions, precautions

Sound therapy definition indications course of sessions precautions

As its name suggests, sound therapy uses sounds and vibrations from voices, drums, singing bowls, gongs or tuning forks to soothe the mind and body. This ancestral practice is being used more and more regularly in our yoga, relaxation or meditation. We tell you more. Sound therapy is also known as sound therapy, sound yoga, … Read more

“Il n’est jamais trop tard pour entamer le dialogue!” Cette thérapeute azuréenne plaide pour un autre rapport aux ados

Il nest jamais trop tard pour entamer le dialogue Cette

Plus d’un tiers des 16-25 ans se disent déprimés, angoissés. Pourquoi, selon vous? L’époque n’est pas simple: covid, guerre… Sur le plan économique et écologique, c’est aussi compliqué. On est loin des Trente Glorieuses. À ce contexte s’ajoute le statut intemporel de l’adolescent. Il sort d’un milieu protégé dans lequel on lui fournissait tout et … Read more

Méditation : rester stable en pleine tempête

Avez-vous déjà vu un cyclone ? L’image reste bien souvent gravée dans nos mémoires tant la puissance des vents tournants est forte. (…) Mais regardons de plus près : un cyclone, c’est un petit coup de vent initié à des milliers de kilomètres, en général à partir d’un courant marin, et le cercle se forme. … Read more