Public images on the sidelines of the 22nd Khouribga International African Film Festival – Maroc-Actu

The 22nd edition of the Khouribga International African Film Festival this year was distinguished by the presentation of a number of distinguished cinematographic strips, including feature films and documentaries, alongside the organization of workshops in the field movies and special seminars to discuss these bands. It is universal, and the social, political and humanitarian issues … Read more

Often having bad dreams can be an early sign of Parkinson’s disease

This is revealed by a British study that has just been published in the scientific journal eClinicalMedicine by The Lancet. Experiencing changes in your dreams, without any obvious triggers, can be an early sign of Parkinson’s disease. This is revealed by a study that has just been published in the scientific journal eClinical Medicine from … Read more

Dreaming about money: what does it mean?

Dreaming about money, a symbol of success This first interpretation seems the most logical. In the collective imagination, money in a dream announces a prosperous and positive future. And this meaning, which might seem simplistic, is sometimes true! Fortune is synonymous with power and self-confidence. Finding a sum of money in a dreamthis announces future … Read more

Rencontrez la sergent Paula Osorio Fernández, sous-marinier espagnole chargée de protéger les eaux de l’Alliance depuis le fond des mers

Rencontrez la sergent Paula Osorio Fernandez sous marinier espagnole chargee de

Que ressent-on quand on passe 30 jours dans un tube étanche, hermétique et pressurisé ? Sans lumière naturelle, sans air frais – et avec une seule douche pour 70 personnes –, comment se concentrer sur le travail crucial que l’on doit accomplir ? Cette vidéo offre un rare aperçu de la vie quotidienne des sous-mariniers. … Read more

Tribune Libre – Carlos Ketohou: “The HAAC therefore failed to save the life of Joel EGAH” | icilome

FREE TRIBUNE: I’m going to tell my life… ”The HAAC saved the life of Carlos KETOHOU” this sentence, very deep in meaning, was pronounced with great regret towards me by the Togolese Minister of Human Rights, Christian TRIMUA. Interpreting it, it is easy to conclude that the life of Carlos in question was in the … Read more

Erotic dreams: here are the most common and their meaning

Erotic dreams here are the most common and their meaning

It’s hard to forget them. Because while they can be intense, erotic dreams can also leave us completely dubious as to their meaning. Pleasant, disturbing or surprising, today we offer you decipher some of the most common sexy dreams. Erotic dreams: 3/4 of the population have them In 2013, during a survey conducted by INSEE, … Read more

Entretien avec l’artiste Goulnour Moukajanova sur la sauvegarde de la culture kazakhe dans l’art contemporain

Entretien avec lartiste Goulnour Moukajanova sur la sauvegarde de la

Favoris0 La galerie Aspan à Almaty a inauguré l’exposition personnelle de la jeune artiste Goulnour Moukajanova. Le média Vlast a discuté avec l’artiste de ses objectifs artistiques et de son attitude vis-à-vis de l’environnement socioculturel qui l’entoure. Novastan reprend et traduit ici un article publié le 23 juillet 2021 par le média kazakh Vlast. Goulnour … Read more

Primero : «C’est à chaque fois une surprise, on se jette dans les flammes»

Primero Cest a chaque fois une surprise on se

À l’occasion de la sortie de Fragments part. 1, nous avons rencontré Primero pour parler de son projet, de sa vision et de ses craintes. Primero est un personnage notoire de la scène rap belge. Fondateur de L’Or du Commun avec Loxley, Swing et l’ancien membre Félé Flingue, le rappeur a bâti à leurs côtés un … Read more