Literature: “Colette is a woman of crazy topicality” for Emmanuelle Lambert

1673710417 Literature Colette is a woman of crazy topicality for Emmanuelle

We never stopped reading Colette (1873-1954), but probably not enough. Why ? She is one of our great writers and yet, we tend to underestimate her. Is it the comparison with his contemporary Marcel Proust, whose centenary we have just celebrated and who, in certain ways, resembles him so much? May be. Proust, he was … Read more

The season finale of “Servant” comes unanswered, as per Shyamalan tradition.

The season finale of Servant comes unanswered as per Shyamalan

The story of the couple who loses their son and recovers him in an inexplicable way, conflict of the series. Servantavailable on Apple TV+, has always been ambitious. Particularly because M. Night Shyamalan never seemed to decide on the explanation for the phenomenon. The first season kept all the information to itself and left the … Read more

Harry Potter : Les escape games qui mettent de la magie dans vos vies à Paris et en Ile-de-France

1673634838 Harry Potter Les escape games qui mettent de la

Par La rédaction · Photos par Laura B. · Publié le 13 janvier 2023 à 18h55 Avis aux fans d’énigmes et de la saga Harry Potter ! Paris regorge d’escape games autour du thème de la sorcellerie, et si vous cherchez une salle à faire avec vos enfants ou vos amis, on vous propose une … Read more

Hope or despair, Friday the 13th and its superstitions

Hope or despair Friday the 13th and its superstitions

Black cat or white cat? Today, the most superstitious among us tremble or, on the contrary, await a nice sign from fate. According to an Ifop study for the Esteban Frederic clairvoyance site, 31% of French people believe in an influence of Friday the 13th on their destiny. One of the beliefs that sticks to … Read more

For one in five young French people, Americans have never been to the Moon

The 5 tools you need to succeed according to Harvard

Posted Jan 12, 2023, 1:54 PM Is the relationship of trust between young people and science falling apart? An Ifop survey for the Reboot Foundation and the Jean-Jaurès Foundation is interested in the question. “Between platism, astrology, creationism, witchcraft and vaccinophobia”, the study, in which 2,003 people aged 11 to 24 participated, “shows the secession … Read more

Blancaflor: Nadja Spiegelman, daughter of Art Spiegelman reinvents (…) – ActuaBD

Blancaflor is a young girl who lives an almost ordinary existence with her parents and her two sisters… with one difference, her father is a cruel and terrible ogre, little inclined to dialogue. When he learns that each of his three daughters dreams of marrying the prince whose portrait they saw in the newspaper, he … Read more