Weekly Horoscope, Monday October 24 to Sunday October 30, 2022

It’s a new week starting tomorrow, Monday, October 24! Will the planets of the zodiac serve you in love for this end of October 2022? Or rather in your work or in your finances? Or will it still be necessary to pay attention to your health or your friendships…? Sign by sign, here are our exclusive weekly astro forecasts, until Sunday October 30th.

YOUR HOROSCOPE THIS WEEK. Already a new period is opening, will it be placed under the sign of luck or obstacles? Here is the interpretation of our astrologer who deciphers the aspect of your sky between 24/10/2022 and 30/10/2022.

In seven days, a lot can happen. Indeed, you must retain and protect all the moments used to relax with those you love. These remain valuable. So, if your week starts with a conflict, make sure to eliminate it with a moment of joy. More than compensating, the happiness of having a good time reduces bad thoughts and significantly improves daily life. So you have no right to let yourself down! Your mission, if however you accept it, consists in multiplying the softness with your essentials. Friends like family, they are all part of your life. And even for the one after! Read more from Aries weekly horoscope

Weekly Taurus horoscope

The transit of the planet Uranus recommends that you lighten your diet and eliminate existing ones for a while: coffee, tea, alcohol… You may find it difficult to create new habits. However, this cure will greatly improve your quality of sleep and your mood. The temptations will nevertheless be present so remain vigilant. If you give in to culinary overabundance, compensate the next day with a dietetic meal without falling into extreme deprivation! Read more from Taurus weekly horoscope

Weekly Gemini Horoscope

A need for solitude torments you these days. You are most comfortable working alone. Relationships are strained with the people around you and you feel awkward in society. Take advantage of this period of distance and take a step back, without excluding those who are really close to you: it’s time to count on your support and strengthen your ties with them. The financial situation makes your situation thorny: however, attractive openings could be created. Read more from Gemini weekly horoscope

Weekly Cancer Horoscope

A battery failure to note these days. Your body might not keep up with your frenetic pace. If your temperament pushes you to do everything very quickly, your physical condition calls for a break. Know how to say “stop” when your body lets you go. To rest and get off to a good start, give yourself nap times of 15 to 20 minutes during the day. Also reduce fatigue with long, restful nights of sleep. Extension of lights before midnight! Read more from Cancer weekly horoscope

Weekly Leo Horoscope

Burn the one important thing to remember your week. Thanks to it, you will have a great time with your friends. Essential to your life, your pillars have always been able to show you support and affection. So why not bring them together for a good dinner? This friendly moment gives you the opportunity to exchange memories with some and share anecdotes with others. The eyes reflect the soul while laughter warms it. What happiness to feel so loved! Read more from Leo weekly horoscope

Virgo Weekly Horoscope

The presence of Mars in your sky makes you a bit grumpy. You don’t feel like talking, you have a headache, you only feel good when the other person turns the key in the lock, heading for the exit. Luckily, your partner knows how to detect the warning signs of a storm and manages to be forgotten. Single, after some rather promising beginnings, you decide, God knows why, to send everything crashing down by scuttling you. You are definitely a very mysterious sign. Read more from Virgo weekly horoscope

Weekly Libra Horoscope

You will benefit from the aura of the Sun in the professional field. That’s why you won’t run out of ideas and energy! This will allow you to be very productive in your steps or in your work. You will chain the projects as if nothing had happened. This sparkling dynamism will radiate the people around you. However, be careful not to want to do too much and think about slowing down. It would be a shame to tire you out. Be careful this week though! Read more from Libra weekly horoscope

Scorpio Weekly Horoscope

Your weather forecast for the week promises to be changeable and unpredictable. You will be a bit moody in the days to come. To regulate these mood swings, you will have to turn to a healthier diet. Prefer foods rich in omega-3 such as oily fish or rapeseed oil. It is recommended to clear your mind and air your brains. Practice brisk walking and expose your body to natural light for at least 10 minutes a day. Read more from Scorpio weekly horoscope

Sagittarius Weekly Horoscope

This week, when your brother announced his wedding to you, everyone noticed the happiness that radiated from your face. Ready to go to the end of the night with the lovebirds, you have decided to invest yourself fully in its organization. From wedding bands to bachelor parties to music management, they rejoice in knowing they can count on your support and guidance. Be careful, for loved ones as for the kings of the day, everything happens like a dream, so enjoy every second! Read more from Sagittarius weekly horoscope

Capricorn Weekly Horoscope

A week that promises to be stormy as you are so eager to contradict your partner. Mercury in your sky acts negatively on you and pushes you to chicanery. No sooner does your beloved open his mouth than you express a contrary point of view, as a matter of principle. To believe that you are pining for a conflict… If this is the case, you can be reassured, your partner should not be long in attacking! Single, you lack a bit of naturalness, your suitors may have trouble understanding you. Read more from Capricorn weekly horoscope

Weekly Aquarius Horoscope

On the work side, the influence of the planet Neptune will sometimes give you the impression of navigating in troubled waters. You won’t really know where to turn in a rather blurry environment. Do not fall into haste. If you feel like you’re running out of time, think about your organization. You will thus put your finger on what is bottling your mind and find the rhythm. In terms of spending, curb certain compulsive purchases that catch your eye. Read more from Aquarius weekly horoscope

Weekly Pisces Horoscope

A slight emotional fatigue is likely to set in, especially for those born in the third decan. Take the time to take care of yourself and don’t try to do more than necessary. You have the right to breathe too. Take back control by adopting personal development techniques such as laughter therapy, positive thinking or meditation. A few introductory sessions will help you get into the groove and feel calm again. Read more from Pisces weekly horoscope

Discover the current astro forecast

We hope this horoscope has helped you see more clearly in your plans for the week! Nevertheless, and as with any astrological or divinatory advice, our forecasts should help you better anticipate but never constrain you. Our mantra: always remain free of your choices and know how to listen to your deep intuition.

We would like to thank the writer of this short article for this awesome material

Weekly Horoscope, Monday October 24 to Sunday October 30, 2022

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