Virgo weekly horoscope

Native of Virgo, can you guess what this new week has in store for you? From this Monday until next Sunday, in all areas of your love, personal or professional life, here are your weekly forecasts specially deciphered according to your zodiac sign, dear Virgo.

Virgo horoscope week from May 23 to 29, 2022

Love & Dating

Incredibly calm by nature, you are not immune to anger, shall we say, half-yearly. Once every 6 months or so, you happen to go out of your hinges without your partner (or yourself perhaps) understanding why. The simultaneous presence of Mars and the sun in your sky suggests that this week will be that of your famous biannual explosion. Since you have been warned, take the opportunity to keep your partner away for a few days!

Money & work

Money horoscope

You give yourself fully in your projects. You would like others to give their all too, with the same involvement and the same energy as you, and you sometimes expect a little too much. Without realizing it, you might be demanding too much of others. This misplaced demand could then trigger feelings of disappointment in you and counterproductive pressure in others. Your investment is honorable and valuable, but cannot force others to do the same.

Health & Fitness

health horoscope

A battery failure to note these days. Your body might not keep up with your frenetic pace. If your temperament pushes you to do everything very quickly, your physical condition calls for a break. Know how to say “stop” when your body lets go. To rest and get off to a good start, give yourself nap times of 15 to 20 minutes during the day. Also reduce fatigue with long, restful nights of sleep. Extension of lights before midnight!

Family & Friends

family horoscope

Following movements in your House I, you will experience situations of misunderstanding with those around you. The strongheads may well turn against you for unexplained reasons. You will be surprised but you will defend yourself without being pushed around. Don’t try to raise your voice. You will only get disappointments. On the contrary, try to put things flat. If you are an Aquarius ascendant, your sense of humor will serve to lighten the mood.

Also discover your Virgo horoscope next weekas well as the astro forecasts for all the signs of the zodiac this week.

Attention, dear discreet Virgin! Your weekly horoscope is only one tool among others to decide on the path you will take in the coming days. Don’t let the stars decide everything for you, you are the first concerned and mistress of your destiny whatever the movements of the planets above our heads!

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Virgo weekly horoscope

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