The Zodiac Sign Most Likely To Hurt Your Feelings, According To Astrologers

According to astrologers, some zodiac signs are more likely to hurt you than others. Read on to find out who topped the list, from mildly rude to remarkably malicious.

6 – Virgo

Zodiac perfectionists can’t help it — they have a fixed idea of ​​how things should be done, and when others don’t adhere to it, it makes them anxious and angry.

A Virgo is sure to drive home the point until you figure out they’re right and you’re wrong, and more often than not, telling you once isn’t enough.“, says Danny Santos, astrologer and founder of Santos & The Crystal Visions. ” If you stand up to Virgo’s scrutiny, they’ll attack you from other angles to divide and conquer your insecurities. »

5 – Leo

Leo is ruled by the selfish Sun. Therefore, they think they are better than their peers and ” seem to lack a filter or consider how their words and actions will affect others“, notes Rachel Clare, astrologer at Mysticsense.

The sign of the lion also needs to be the center of attention, ” dazzling the masses with their high-performing and playful nature“, describes Santos. But if you try to upstage him, ” the Lion can take revenge by adopting a territorial behavior, being authoritarian and reducing its competitors“, he adds.

4 – Sagittarius

Adventurous world travelers of the zodiac, Sagittarians are fun-loving and usually have no problem making new friends.

However, it should not be hidden that Sagittarians are ruled by the element of Fire, which means that they can hurt people’s feelings without even realizing it.“, explains Clare. ” They think and act so quickly that often they don’t mean the words they say, slipping up and causing offense as a result. »

In fact, Sagittarius is considered the most likely sign to get their foot in their mouth. Their outspokenness is rarely malicious, but their impulsiveness leads them to say things they should keep to themselves.

3 – Gemini

Known for being gossips, it’s no surprise that Geminis make it onto this list. They are ruled by Mercury, the planet of communication, but they can talk a bit too much. ” Their intentions are often to socialize, build community, and establish deeper relationships“Santos says. But they have a hard time holding their tongues or keeping a juicy rumor to themselves.

So even if they don’t hurt your face, when you hear what they said behind your back, it can feel like a punch in the gut. ” Gemini are the epitome of the art of throwing oil on the fire and getting people in trouble.“, says Clare.

2 – Aries

Whether or not an Aries is looking to hurt you is irrelevant.“Santos says. ” Instead, it’s more important to know that Aries embraces their love of conflict, rambunctious and brash nature, and desire for excitement. »

Being the most selfish zodiac sign, “ they are not reliable“, according to Newman, and ” they want everyone to behave according to them. You might feel bad when, on your birthday, your Aries friend makes a reservation at a sushi restaurant — and you don’t eat fish. If you broach the subject, they “ will become super angry and abrupt“, says Newman.

But deep down, they appreciate this confrontation. ” Aries sees everything as a competition and wants to pit your strength against theirs.“Santos adds.

1 – Scorpio

Scorpios are smart and intuitive, but their biggest problem is that they don’t trust anyone.“, explains Emily Newman, astrologer and founder of Best of Psychic Reader. Santos notes that they are ruled by Mars, the planet of war, and Pluto, the planet of the underworld. Therefore, they are very mysterious in nature and cannot imagine that others are not hiding their own dark and deep secrets.

But the reason the Scorpio sting is so painful is that he usually intends to hurt you. ” This sign is driven by revenge“, explains Clare. ” They can be quite resentful at times and don’t really care about the pain they cause“.

Santos says a few of the things that will cause these scorpions to attack are ” to mess up their family, to challenge their ego, and most significantly, to lie to them.

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The Zodiac Sign Most Likely To Hurt Your Feelings, According To Astrologers

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