The life of these 5 zodiac signs will experience a new beginning in May: changes are imminent

The end of the month is approaching with the announcement of the New Moon in Taurus. This New Moon coincides with a solar eclipse that will take place at the same time. Depending on your astrological sign, it will have a more or less strong impact on your personality. This New Moon instills a fresh start for certain zodiac signs during the month of May. This new cycle dominated by the sign of Taurus would be the ideal time for certain signs to take initiatives in terms of their property or a trip. This is a period that will push them out of their comfort zone and leave this security zone that they have maintained for too long.

The energy of this New Moon will push them to find a new space of connection and sensitivity in which you can work on other aspects of your personality.

Which zodiac signs will be forced to change their environment in May?

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Astrological signs – Source: spm

This New Moon also called black moon, because of its appearance in the sky, marks the beginning of a new lunar cycle. In astrology, the moon characterizes the sacred feminine side and it governs our emotions and mood. During this new cycle, the New Moon invites us to remove all our resistance and our barriers to find a new dimension in our life. With this black moon, the month of May will be a time of change and a new beginning for those Zodiac signs.



The sign of Sagittarius – Source: spm

During the month of May, Sagittarians are likely to experience a move. This New Moon will make them want to focus on their living environment and their personal development. For this, the best solution for Sagittarians is to make a fresh start by leaving their comfort zone. It’s time for this Fire sign to pack up and see other horizons.


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The sign of Pisces – Source: spm

With this New Moon, Pisces must set a new plan of action to get out of their comfort zone. After encountering difficulties, the month of May will be the opportune moment to initiate new actions. This Water sign will have to make important decisions because they will have to go on a long journey that was not planned. Pisces will having to choose between the things they will have to leave behind and the things they will have to take with them. They will realize what is really important to move forward on this journey.


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The Aries sign – Source: spm

This month of May will be marked by the sign of letting go for the Aries. This Fire sign will have difficulty maintaining home and privacy. This New Moon in Taurus will force them to step out of their comfort zone by preparing for a new journey far from their home and their family. This long journey will allow them to introspect and work on their limiting thoughts. This month of May will transform the representatives of Aries often considered impulsive people.


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The sign of Leo – Source: spm

Representatives of the sign of Leo are often passionate and fiery people. They love to travel and spend time with others to experience new cultures. But with this New Moon in Taurus, May will begin with a big move for Leos. Despite their desire to escape, this Fire sign will have to leave their home and find a new place to live. This change will force them to ask for help to make this move go smoothly. They will come out of this experience with more maturity and great self-confidence.

Read also These Zodiac Signs Will Get Rich Soon: An Unexpected Sum Is Coming

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The life of these 5 zodiac signs will experience a new beginning in May: changes are imminent

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