The horoscope of the week from January 27 to February 2, 2023: this sign will be pleasantly surprised by unforeseen events – X Gossip

Will the change of month have an influence on your mood, on your relationship with others, on your work? Find out what the week of January 27 to February 2, 2023 has in store for your zodiac sign.

This week, the star sign is Capricorn, as Kate Middleton. Thanks to your reactivity and your intelligence, you solve all the problems. Your man is Capricorn? Well in his sneakers, square in his choices, he does not feel obliged to do tons to be loved. He also doesn’t try to make the other feel guilty if he doesn’t get what he wants.

Aries weekly horoscope (03/21 – 04/21)

mad success

You value this charm that everyone envies you for more or less avowed purposes. Because yes, we flirt with you. And it must be admitted, it is very pleasant. The follow-up to be given to these flatteries belongs only to you. On the job side, your energy unites people of good will.

The astro coach: don’t make any promises you can’t keep.

Taurus weekly horoscope (04/22 – 05/21)

head elsewhere

Is it relevant to bathe your lover with the pettiness of some in the middle of a romantic moment? We understand that it takes your head, but there is a time for everything! Your stress pollutes the atmosphere even when you are supposed to decompress.

The astro coach: accept the things over which you have no control.

Gemini weekly horoscope (05/22 – 06/21)


Your relationship as a couple is more about friendship than great passion and that suits you perfectly. During the day, everyone lives their own life. In the evening, you find yourself in a cozy atmosphere. At work, you have to go in a different direction, but it’s for the best.

The astro coach: manage your money with intelligence and prudence.

Cancer Weekly Horoscope (06/22 – 07/22)

Shared responsibilities

It’s never good enough, you are always asked for more. Except you don’t have any superpowers. If someone complains that dinner isn’t ready, you explain how to handle things. At work, you let others decide, it makes you a vacation.

The astro coach: take advantage of your little mine to be cuddled.

Leo’s weekly horoscope (07/23-08/22)

Not alone on earth

If you are the center of the world, where is your lover located? You’re so used to pulling the blanket around you that you don’t notice your dear and tender shivering. More humanity, less selfishness would be appreciated. At work, you receive your dose of compliments.

The astro coach: show off, yes, but according to your financial means.

Virgo Weekly Horoscope (08/23 – 09/22)

In search of motivation

You take it upon yourself to keep smiling. Between the commitments not kept and the cads who think you can be forced to thank you, you would have enough to feel devalued. Fortunately, your lover knows how to show you how important you are. Only his truth matters.

The astro coach: avoid people who take more than they give.

Libra Weekly Horoscope (09/23 – 10/22)

The boost

Never enough, never right… Some people find it easy to criticize you. Their reproaches are vexing, but they also have the virtue of making you react. Asked to surpass yourself, you work more, work better, and it pays off, in all areas.

The astro coach: pay the incompressible expenses before making superfluous purchases.

Scorpio’s weekly horoscope (10/23 – 11/22)

Relaxation area

Many unforeseen events in your daily life upset you. Is it therefore wise to blame the whole world? These hazards, however annoying they may be, are not worth making you sick. A hot tea, a lover, there is no better way to perk you up.

The astro coach: don’t victimize yourself, the string is a bit big.

Sagittarius Weekly Horoscope (11/23 – 12/21)

To your good heart

You are told that you are the most wonderful of women. Without you, life is as bland as a dish without salt. These compliments are all the more pleasing when they are sincere. Be careful not to engage yourself out of pure politeness in a relationship with the person who pronounces them.

The astro coach: be particularly honest with yourself.

Capricorn’s weekly horoscope (12/22 – 01/20)

More flexibility

Your organization is so perfectly millimetered that it is panic as soon as a micrograin of sand jams the machine. Yet it is out of disorder that the solution arises. Getting out of habits, finding alternatives develops the imagination. You will be the first surprise!

The astro coach: reduce your expenses in certain sectors.

Aquarius Weekly Horoscope (01/21 – 02/19)

noise for nothing

If no one validates your project, it’s not as brilliant as you thought. Convinced of having had the idea of ​​the century, you do not admit the contradiction. However, shouting that one is right does not mean that it is true. Prioritize the arguments in order to be heard.

The astro coach: listen to the voice of wisdom instead of being stubborn.

Pisces weekly horoscope (02/20 – 03/20)

Ready to tear it all down

Your relationship as a couple is hardly exhilarating, but it’s not a disaster either. The conversation is limited to the essentials. At night, everyone sleeps soundly. At least you’re in good shape for the job where the balance of power within the team requires you to be on constant alert.

The astro coach: give time to each of your children.

By Caroline Moisan, astrologer.

We would like to give thanks to the writer of this short article for this remarkable content

The horoscope of the week from January 27 to February 2, 2023: this sign will be pleasantly surprised by unforeseen events – X Gossip

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