New moon December 23, 2022: what the last lunation of the year has in store for you

We can say that 2022 has been a chaotic year. And as the last lunation of the year prepares, settled in the sign of serious (and sometimes austere) Capricorn, we could expect a gloomy end to the year.

However, the new moon on Friday, December 23, 2022, has quite the opposite in store for us. At its peak in the winter sky at 11:16 a.m. French time, the latter will bring with it “transformative and successful energy for the year ahead“, announcement astrologer Brittany Béringer to Bustle.

“After this lunation, you’ll be ready to dive into a whole new chapter of your life with greater clarity. This pragmatic, forward-looking moon urges you to embrace your most ambitious side, as you glimpse the road to the future. “, complete InStyle.

A new moon tinged with the ambitious energy of Capricorn

New moons are usually referred to as “cosmic refreshment“, because they encourage us to turn a new page, by setting ourselves new objectives.

But that of December 23, 2022 comes at a pivotal moment of the year, only a few days before the start of 2023 and the establishment of new good resolutions. On top of that, she is settled with the most hard-working and ambitious sign of the Zodiac: Capricorn.

“Spiritually, the period of Capricorn manifests the goals that move us forward on the path of life, towards the fulfillment of our soul mission“, confirms star specialist Priscila Lima de Charbonnières to PopSugar.

“This lunation marks the last major lunar cycle of 2022 and will give us the final push to take control of our destiny and confidently leap forward into 2023,” adds Lauren Ash, astrologerat the microphone of Bustle.

A final moment of calm before Mercury retrogrades

Besides being the last lunation of the year, this new moon in Capricorn is also our last shield of positivity before the dreaded mercury retrogradea capricious planet that will retreat from December 29, 2022 to January 18, 2023.

Still according to Lauren Ash, this lunation will flood us with a “sweet nostalgia”, which could make us want to recontact lost loved ones. “It is time to take your time, rest, reflect and listen to your inner voice before moving forward”, complete InStyle.

And as one retrograde brews, another comes to an end in these final days of 2022. During the December 23 new moon, Chiron, “the cometary asteroid that heals our deep wounds” will stop moving backwards.

“As Chiron moves forward for the first time since July 19, think back to all the inner work you initiated this year. This particular sensitivity will help you bring to fruition the projects blown by Capricorn,” translates rush.

New moon of December 23, 2022: what effects on my astro sign?

It’s time to take time for yourself and enjoy the festivities, but the Ram already thinking about back to school. The new moon makes you want to change careers to get closer to your dream occupation. Don’t launch anything concrete until 2022 is over, but take the time to strategize so that 2023 is your year.

Bullbefore closing the year, you want to push your limits and get out of your comfort zone. Don’t forget that rest is also essential at this time of year, the idea is not to start 2023 on the kneecaps.

This lunation invites the Gemini to empty their bag. It’s time to unload everything you have on your heart and to check that your feelings are in line with those of your loved ones. A sorting may be imposed on you, but for your greater good.

Cancer, you want to embark on a solo project. But your ambition has so far been inhibited by your fears. A barrier of fears that the energy of Capricorn will come to break, so expect a hectic start to the year.

The December 23 lunation is a great opportunity to focus on yourself, Lion. Ideally, make your good well-being resolutions in advance. What could you put in place to limit the stress in your life? It’s time for reflection and cocooning.

For the Virgin, these end-of-year celebrations will rhyme with romance. You are carried by a seductive energy that makes you irresistible. Get ready for an unexpected encounter that will color 2023.

You want to pamper your loved ones, Balance. This may be an opportunity to create new traditions, or to rethink your work / personal life organization in order to spend more time with family.

the Scorpio wants to be intellectually stimulated at the end of the year. Reading, new creative activities, lively discussions during family meals, you feed on everything around you.

Sagittarius, the new moon brings you financial security. If your wallet is light after holiday shopping, don’t worry, the stars are aligned so you won’t miss a thing. New job, unexpected cash flow… Beautiful things seem to be waiting for you.

It’s your new moon, Capricorn. Intoxicated by passion and ambition, you will go to great lengths to carry out a project that is close to your heart. Don’t forget that taking care of your well-being also plays into your results.

Let yourself be carried away by your imagination, Aquarius. For the past few months, stress has been preventing you from connecting to your creativity and therefore from dreaming of a future that pleases you. Let go at the end of the year.

It’s high time to take time for yourself Pisces. So instead of running around looking for the perfect gifts, let others take care of you. This new moon invites you to put your emotional well-being before that of others. A good habit to keep in 2023.

We would like to thank the author of this post for this awesome content

New moon December 23, 2022: what the last lunation of the year has in store for you

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