How to know the ascendancy of a person, and especially what does it change? – Here is

Want to get to know someone better? Knowing his ascendant will allow you to identify certain traits of his personality… hitherto kept secret! We tell you everything about the ascendant.

How to calculate the ascendant of a sign, know your role, know when the ascendant takes over the sun sign… Astrology is made of small subtleties which change everything in the interpretation. Discover everything you need to know about the ascendant in astrology… but also about the descendant!

What is the ascendant of an astrological sign?

The ascendant of a person corresponds to his “inner self”, so the most hidden aspects of his personality. Some astrologers often indicate that the ascendant is only really revealed around our 40s! Other specialists consider that it influences the social character of a person, therefore his image with the people around him.

The rising sign indicates the personality characteristics and traits most visible to a person. The sun signmore often referred to as an astrological sign, is reflected in his thoughts and his conscience. The moon sign as for him will rather correspond to the emotional personality of an individual.

The three signs, ascending, solar and lunar, complement each other and all play a role in the whole of a personality! But they are not the only ones: the planets also have their part to play.

How to calculate its ascendant?

To calculate the rising sign of a person, we need know your date of birth, as for the sun sign. It is to be completed with a place of birth and a specific time. The rising sign is determined by the position of the sun at the time of birth. It is for this reason that a person born on November 10 at 7:50 a.m. does not have the same ascendant as another born on the same day at 6:10 p.m. If you do not know the time of birth, determine an approximate time. Knowing if it’s a morning or evening slot can be enough to get an idea! It is then up to you to confirm or invalidate according to the characteristics of the ascendant on the sign. To find out more, discover Ascendant Scorpio, what does it change for your sign?

What is the role of the ascendant?

The rising sign corresponds to the energy that a person exudes: his character, his attitude and even his physical features. Hence the fact that it is often easier to guess than the signs of the zodiac!

Who is my descendant?

The falling sign touches a person’s relationship with others : relationships, professional or romantic ties… To better understand a couple’s love compatibility for example, or know what kind of partner is not at all compatible, knowing his descendant can therefore be important.

The descendant is opposed to the ascendant on a chart of the sky: it is located in the West and the ascendant in the East. Thereby, if you know the ascendant, you automatically get the descendant ! Here is the list of the twelve descendants:

  • Aries Ascendant, Libra Descendant
  • Taurus Ascendant, Scorpio Descendant
  • Gemini Ascendant, Sagittarius Descendant
  • Ascendant Cancer, Descendant Capricorn
  • Ascendant Leo, Descendant Aquarius
  • Virgo Ascendant, Pisces Descendant
  • Libra Ascendant, Aries Descendant
  • Scorpio Ascendantdescendant Taurus
  • Sagittarius Ascendant, Gemini Descendant
  • Ascendant Capricorn, Descendant Cancer
  • Ascendant Aquarius, Descendant Leo
  • Pisces Ascendant, Virgo Descendant

To learn more about astrology, discover What is the most dangerous zodiac sign?

We wish to give thanks to the author of this post for this incredible material

How to know the ascendancy of a person, and especially what does it change? – Here is

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