Horoscope: Your astrological predictions for summer 2022

Make room for bare legs and long summer days. We had almost forgotten it existed, but June gave us a little taste of warm season energy. Ready to show off our The Attico heels, we have no time to waste to make the most of July and August. Before you start, we’ll help you adopt the right frame of mind to enjoy your sunny days with your friends and current acquaintances.

Aries (March 21 – April 19)

A new chapter in your life is on the horizon and you can feel it deep inside your body. You can barely sit still with all the energy you feel from the new things that are starting to creep into your career and your relationships. As an impulsive sign, it’s important to take the time to gather your thoughts before embarking on a new relationship – whether professional and/or romantic.


Taurus (April 20 – May 20)

Normally, summer is synonymous with late nights and good times with friends. While that doesn’t mean you won’t be able to enjoy the warm weather this way, you’ll likely find yourself connecting more with people from different backgrounds, allowing you to explore other aspects of your personality. . Go ahead and try new things!


Gemini (May 21 – June 20)

Is it finally your turn to do that famous TikTok in which a person confesses to leaving the dreaded 9 to 5 job? Challenges encountered with co-workers could make you seriously think about becoming independent or simply going on vacation in Europe for a little (long) time. Anyway, life is too short to do a boring job.


Cancer (June 21 – July 22)

Know your worth, because you will likely have the ability to earn more money and to position yourself as essential in your field. All eyes are on you as you become a benchmark in your industry and establish yourself as a leader. As you learn new skills and responsibilities, you’ll learn the importance of saying no when it’s time to take care of yourself.


Leo (July 23 – August 22)

If there is one sign that embodies the season of sunny days, it is you. With your birthday fast approaching and in the height of summer, the sun is shining on you and you are more than ready. Adventure is calling and your luggage is ready to go. Whether you’re flying off to a new destination or staying home, you’re bound to make lasting memories.

1667497233 916 Horoscope Your astrological predictions for summer 2022

Virgo (August 23 – September 22)

Ask and you shall receive. Channel your inner Lizzo and get comfortable expressing your needs. If you need two shots espresso in your cup, it’s high time you let the world know. After you start expressing your needs, you might be surprised at how much people around you want to give you what you’re looking for. Don’t forget to return the favor once in a while!


Libra (September 23 – October 22)

What if it became more than a summer adventure? If you feel any feelings for someone special this summer, try to lean into it and see where it might take you. You are in a good place to connect with a new love who could bring out the best in you. When you feel overwhelmed with emotions, let her know you need some space and you should be fine!


Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)

Take a moment to pause and think about all the hard work you’ve put in over the past few months. Some call it luck, others call it perseverance. In your case, it’s a lot of dedication and a bit of being in the right place at the right time. Make the most of the summer to look back on your accomplishments and make a plan for what lies ahead.


Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)

Is the love you receive equal to the love you give? If there’s a bit of a lag in that department, it might be a great time to re-evaluate the type of love you’re looking for. Take the time to reconnect with yourself through your favorite form of personal care. Give yourself some space to grow and put plans in place to visit a place that brings out the best in you.


Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)

While some may be enjoying the summer by visiting all the rooftop terraces, you’re more looking to reconnect with yourself in a quiet space. You’ve probably had a busy spring, so chances are you’re looking for some peace and quiet this summer. If you’re single, try dating yourself for a change of pace that will do you a lot of good.


Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)

Although you may be tempted to surrender to all your restaurants favorites and booking last-minute flights to visit friends out of the country, your wallet would advise you otherwise, encouraging you to save for rainy days. We know it’s not fun to be in savings mode during the summer, but believe us, it’s for the best, because you’ll enter a very prosperous period in the fall.


Pisces (February 19 – March 20)

Loving yourself is the best way to attract healthy relationships, both personal and professional. Play some Megan Thee Stallion while you practice self-healing. Whether it’s a daily solo dance session in the kitchen or a morning girls walk, treat yourself to unrestrained attention. Psst! You are already shining!

Astrological signs: Bortonia Getty Images
Main photo: Alvaro Sanchez Getty Images

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Horoscope: Your astrological predictions for summer 2022

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