Horoscope of the week, Monday September 19 to Sunday September 25, 2022

It’s a new week starting tomorrow, Monday, September 19! Will the planets of the zodiac serve you in love for this middle of September 2022? Or rather in your work or in your finances? Or will it still be necessary to pay attention to your health or your friendships…? Sign by sign, here are our exclusive weekly astro forecasts, until Sunday September 25th.

YOUR HOROSCOPE THIS WEEK. Already a new period is opening, will it be placed under the sign of luck or obstacles? Here is the interpretation of our astrologer who deciphers the aspect of your sky between 09/19/2022 and 09/25/2022.

The Moon will enter your sky this week and bring you some health problems, especially for people in the first and second decans. Digestive disorders, joint pain or respiratory problems: you will not be in Olympic form! It will be important that you don’t take things lightly if you want to recover quickly. Advice: consult the doctor and follow the treatment he will prescribe. Rest and proper nutrition will also help. Read more from Aries weekly horoscope

Weekly Taurus horoscope

Many ideas will be swirling around in your head, with the support of the planet Neptune. Your ambition to complete new projects increases over time. You will work hard but alone for the time being. Indeed, you will want to avoid certain questions from those around you. Keep up the momentum by writing down everything that seems important to you. You will then have a much more precise idea of ​​your future achievements! Believe in yourself ! Read more from Taurus weekly horoscope

Weekly Gemini Horoscope

The well-aspected moon heralds a radiant week, where love, affection, and understanding will give you a strong sense of security. You who are used to doubting, will acquire certainties this time. To hell with questioning, long live harmony and serenity. Single, your desire to be mothered pushes you to seek the company of an older partner. A lion, an aging nothing, will have the art of troubling and dazzling you. Read more from Gemini weekly horoscope

Weekly Cancer Horoscope

In the administrative and financial field, a certain number of late payments could concern you. The planet Jupiter invites you to take stock so as not to aggravate the situation. Make a check-up of current charges and invoices. Set aside a day in the week devoted to paperwork to free yourself up. If you have the ability to set up automatic debits on certain types of fees, go for it! In any case, be careful not to accumulate unpaid bills. Read more from Cancer weekly horoscope

Weekly Leo Horoscope

You will often be in your shell this week. Difficult for others to get out of it. You will want to slow down and take advantage of these moments to perk up. Use this state of mind to focus on the essentials: you! Dip your nose into your favorite Polar, opt for more manual activities like sewing or DIY or do some gymnastics at home. Your moral state will improve greatly thanks to these precious moments of respite. Read more from Leo weekly horoscope

Virgo Weekly Horoscope

At the end of the previous week, your Olympic form was gone. Your morale is in check and it’s not going to get any better. However, these few lost days do not remain final. Nothing is played. React. Start by promising yourself that you will get back on your feet. This is already a first step towards healing. Then, listen for any signs Mars sends you. Gradually, strength, courage, determination will replace sadness, exhaustion and bewilderment. Read more from Virgo weekly horoscope

Weekly Libra Horoscope

Your thirst for the absolute sometimes makes you intrusive. You ardently wish to know everything about your partner, to the point of denying him the right to any secret garden. If you came across a diary dated from the last century, you would read it, without hesitation… You must beware of the vampiric influence of Pluto. That you have on your side confessed everything to the other does not change the matter. You are wrong to feel threatened by these harmless memory chests. Who says mysterious does not necessarily say guilty. Read more from Libra weekly horoscope

Scorpio Weekly Horoscope

On the work side, the watchword of the week is rigour. In a highly tormented environment, you are the captain who leads his crew safely. A true leader of men, it is by the light of Pluto that you guide yourself, and it is she who saves you from the pitfalls that threaten your ship. Stay the course and above all don’t deviate from it, you will come out stronger in the eyes of all. By not giving in to the siren song, you demonstrate a presence of mind that puts you to your advantage. Read more from Scorpio weekly horoscope

Sagittarius Weekly Horoscope

Thanks to the favorable influence of the stars on your sign, you should have an excellent week in terms of health! Physically, your immune system will be particularly resistant and will prevent you from seasonal illnesses. Morally, you will be generally in a good mood, and you will enjoy the little pleasures that life will offer you. Be careful not to overdo the good stuff though! For Sagittarius and Pisces ascendants in particular, resist the greedy temptations of Jupiter. Read more from Sagittarius weekly horoscope

Capricorn Weekly Horoscope

You were supposed to go to a convention next week. Fortunately, it’s cancelled. Therefore, forget even this absurd idea of ​​working at home. Indeed, since you have free time, why not organize a meal with part of your family? Perhaps by repeating the action, you will enjoy this weekly visit. Useful to update certain data or to see life from another angle, this contact will quickly become essential. Read more from Capricorn weekly horoscope

Weekly Aquarius Horoscope

You blow on the embers in the hope of provoking conflict. The demonic influence of Mars makes you hostile and spiteful. You want the walls to shake even if it means triggering the apocalypse. Why ? Simply out of boredom. You want a little animation. However, be careful not to go too far, this “game” could have regrettable consequences. Single, you are an impossible actor. No one manages to probe your soul and you rub your hands on it. You are a clown, an artist and that suits you very well. Read more from Aquarius weekly horoscope

Weekly Pisces Horoscope

Your desire of the moment: put butter in the spinach. With the arrival of the planet Jupiter in your sky, you will manage to save big and small. This as soon as the opportunity arises. It would even be tempting for you to make ends meet with a little job or work overtime. Whether you live together or live with your parents, your desire to participate in the life of the home will increase throughout the week. Read more from Pisces weekly horoscope

Discover the current astro forecast

We hope this horoscope has helped you see more clearly in your plans for the week! Nevertheless, and as with any astrological or divinatory advice, our forecasts should help you better anticipate but never constrain you. Our mantra: always remain free of your choices and know how to listen to your deep intuition.

We wish to thank the author of this short article for this awesome material

Horoscope of the week, Monday September 19 to Sunday September 25, 2022

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