Horoscope of the week, Monday 5 to Sunday 11 December 2022

It’s a new week starting tomorrow, Monday, December 5! Will the planets of the zodiac serve you in love for this beginning of December 2022? Or rather in your work or in your finances? Or will it still be necessary to pay attention to your health or your friendships…? Sign by sign, here are our exclusive weekly astro forecasts, until Sunday December 11th.

YOUR HOROSCOPE THIS WEEK. Already a new period is opening, will it be placed under the sign of luck or obstacles? Here is the interpretation of our astrologer who deciphers the aspect of your sky between 05/12/2022 and 11/12/2022.

Calm week in perspective: you have few interesting tasks or opportunities. This allows you to breathe after a very intense period on the work side. You sometimes border on boredom, as the activity is so thin. Do not let this temporary calm put you to sleep: an unexpected proposal could reach you at the end of the week. On the financial side, there are no new developments in prospect: you keep your capital, which allows you to peacefully plan the next expenses, which could prove to be significant. Read more from Aries weekly horoscope

Weekly Taurus horoscope

Jupiter in your sky urges you to embark on a solo journey, whether you are in a relationship or not. A strong desire for independence wins over you, you need to breathe new air and breathe it alone. Your will is not a harbinger of a breakup, but it will take skill to convince your partner. You sometimes need to get drunk on loneliness, promiscuity can spoil the pleasure of life together. You are also an intellectual sign turned to meditation. Read more from Taurus weekly horoscope

Weekly Gemini Horoscope

Burn the one important thing to remember your week. Thanks to it, you will have a great time with your friends. Essential to your life, your pillars have always been able to show you support and affection. So why not bring them together for a good dinner? This friendly moment gives you the opportunity to exchange memories with some and share anecdotes with others. The eyes reflect the soul while laughter warms it. What happiness to feel so loved! Read more from Gemini weekly horoscope

Weekly Cancer Horoscope

A week that promises to be stormy as you are so eager to contradict your partner. Mercury in your sky acts negatively on you and pushes you to chicanery. No sooner does your beloved open his mouth than you express a contrary point of view, as a matter of principle. To believe that you are pining for a conflict… If this is the case, you can be reassured, your partner should not be long in attacking! Single, you lack a bit of naturalness, your suitors may have trouble understanding you. Read more from Cancer weekly horoscope

Weekly Leo Horoscope

You give yourself fully in your projects. You would like others to give their all too, with the same involvement and the same energy as you, and you sometimes expect a little too much. Without realizing it, you might be demanding too much of others. This misplaced demand could then trigger feelings of disappointment in you and counterproductive pressure in others. Your investment is honorable and valuable, but cannot force others to do the same. Read more from Leo weekly horoscope

Virgo Weekly Horoscope

This is a good time to rest and take care of yourself. Letting go can be very positive during this period. Take the time to recharge your batteries and recharge your batteries. If you have the opportunity to walk in the forest or in a park near your home, let yourself be carried away by the ambient calm of nature! It will be easier for you to resume your usual activities after you have cleared your mind. Your body will thank you for this well-deserved break! Read more from Virgo weekly horoscope

Weekly Libra Horoscope

Since your parents no longer work, you pass each other without seeing each other. How is it possible ? However, it is not for lack of trying to find time to devote to them. Soon, on vacation, make it big, why not organize a week’s vacation all together? More than a tradition, this proposal should enthuse those around you. Not necessarily far from home, a small corner of sweetened paradise reaches out to you and is just waiting to welcome you. Read more from Libra weekly horoscope

Scorpio Weekly Horoscope

Languid, tired, sinister, you don’t want anything. Your patient partner may encourage you to go out, but you don’t. Struck with torpor, you wait without knowing what. Pluto pushes you to self-destruction. You want to test the other person’s limits and make sure they put up with your indolence. Stop putting yourself at risk. Rest assured, the astral conjuncture seems to protect you from any crisis in your relationship. Single, you prefer to announce your faults first, so that they are not discovered later. An original, honest and perhaps profitable strategy… Read more from Scorpio weekly horoscope

Sagittarius Weekly Horoscope

Mercury explicitly suggests that you strengthen teamwork in your professional sphere. This is the time for you to explain your most creative ideas and set up promising projects. You will contribute with enthusiasm to the collective reflection. Be careful, certain temperaments can sometimes confront each other and not come to an agreement. Natives of the first decan, you will be smart enough to find arrangements that suit all collaborators. Read more from Sagittarius weekly horoscope

Capricorn Weekly Horoscope

Your positive status for the week will help you see the glass half full on a daily basis. You will keep in shape following a drop in nervousness. With success, you will invest yourself in the life of your home. You will gently communicate your smile and your joie de vivre. Take this great opportunity to free yourself from tasks that you usually consider to be chores. Cleaning, ironing, storage, cooking or even sorting! You will derive great satisfaction from it. Read more from Capricorn weekly horoscope

Weekly Aquarius Horoscope

By dint of listening to you, you have lost touch with reality. Indeed, in this week off, your subconscious has brought old files to the surface. Instead of drowning them, you preferred to take a look at them. So, before this infernal spiral absorbs you entirely, you must react. Let all your negative beliefs die forever. Only dialogue with your family can reconcile you with life and relieve you of these old demons. Read more from Aquarius weekly horoscope

Weekly Pisces Horoscope

Incredibly calm by nature, you are not immune to anger, shall we say, half-yearly. Once every 6 months or so, you happen to go out of your hinges without your partner (or yourself perhaps) understanding why. The simultaneous presence of Mars and the Sun in your sky suggests that this week will be that of your famous biannual explosion. Since you have been warned, take the opportunity to keep your partner away for a few days! Read more from Pisces weekly horoscope

Discover the current astro forecast

We hope this horoscope has helped you see more clearly in your plans for the week! Nevertheless, and as with any astrological or divinatory advice, our forecasts should help you better anticipate but never constrain you. Our mantra: always remain free of your choices and know how to listen to your deep intuition.

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Horoscope of the week, Monday 5 to Sunday 11 December 2022

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