Horoscope of the week, from January 9 to 15, 2023

It’s a new week starting tomorrow, Monday January 9th! Will the planets of the zodiac serve you in love for this mid-January 2023? Or rather in your work or in your finances? Or will it still be necessary to pay attention to your health or your friendships…? Sign by sign, here are our exclusive weekly astro forecasts, until Sunday January 15th.

YOUR HOROSCOPE THIS WEEK. Already a new period is opening, will it be placed under the sign of luck or obstacles? Here is the interpretation of our astrologer who deciphers the aspect of your sky between 09/01/2023 and 15/01/2023.

Determination is on your side in professional decision-making. Encouragement from your superior or your collaborators will reinforce your choices. Above all, listen to your little inner voice which will guide you. This is also the case if you are thinking of various financial investments: purchase of rare pieces or new real estate. You will know how to seize the opportunities that come your way. Prioritize reflection before action in the event of a major expense. Read more from Aries weekly horoscope

Weekly Taurus horoscope

The Moon will enter your sky this week and bring you some health problems, especially for people in the first and second decans. Digestive disorders, joint pain or respiratory problems: you will not be in Olympic form! It will be important that you don’t take things lightly if you want to recover quickly. Advice: consult the doctor and follow the treatment he will prescribe. Rest and proper nutrition will also help. Read more from Taurus weekly horoscope

Weekly Gemini Horoscope

The time to finish this week that the other starts again. And it is clear that nothing changes. What if… you kicked this house of cards? Please note that you are not being asked to do this abruptly. For the sake of preserving those around you, you tend to distance yourself for the time to get better. However, be careful not to repeat this shell technique too often. Some might experience it badly around you. When one hand opens, the other squeezes it. More than a principle of life, it is a means of survival. Read more from Gemini weekly horoscope

Weekly Cancer Horoscope

Far from his family, time can seem so long. Your children have grown up. They live their life and organize it as they see fit. Only, it is clear that at the beginning of the week, nostalgia invades you. A host of memories rise to the surface without warning. Why not set up a retrospective evening of videos taken during their childhood? Old and new generations will love this recent tradition. They will even want to reproduce it as soon as possible. Read more from Cancer weekly horoscope

Weekly Leo Horoscope

Freshness and voluptuousness perfectly sum up your state of mind for the week. You will feel an unexpected need to revitalize yourself. If you had in mind to take a few days off, prefer a destination close to the ocean. A sea trip, alone or accompanied, will do you the greatest good. If you don’t leave, fill up on minerals and trace elements with a cure of spirulina for example. Otherwise, opt for an algae bath at home or in a spa to regenerate yourself. Read more from Leo weekly horoscope

Virgo Weekly Horoscope

The atmosphere at work has become slightly oppressive: it affects your motivation and your well-being. You need to take a breather and recharge your batteries. So take a few days off, it will do you the greatest good! You could take advantage of this free time to go see a good movie at the cinema, to go shopping, or even to have lunch with a friend in this new restaurant that you so wanted. You will be able to resume work rested and re-energized! Read more from Virgo weekly horoscope

Weekly Libra Horoscope

Single, it looks like you’ve stumbled upon a bone. The chosen one of your heart adopts an elusive behavior so much that you are disconcerted. The presence of Saturn in your sky attests to many questions to come in connection with a water sign. You will need a lot of patience to be able to decipher a mind very far from yours. As a couple, you are sailing on a calm sea. Agreement and indulgence govern your daily life. You have struck an interesting balance. Read more from Libra weekly horoscope

Scorpio Weekly Horoscope

The sun in your axis makes you thirsty for praise. This week, you will have to praise yourself or disappear. This self-centered attitude is accompanied by unencouraging talk about your partner. You listen lazily to his plans, annoyed that the conversation will turn away from you. Be careful not to offend the other permanently. You must learn to share your crown. Single, you lack curiosity with regard to your suitors. To believe that you already know them by heart! Read more from Scorpio weekly horoscope

Sagittarius Weekly Horoscope

The atmosphere at work is not ideal for you. Electrical clashes between colleagues or pressure related to an urgent project create an unpleasant atmosphere. In research, frustrations are to be expected. However, do not worry too much, this situation will not last. Keep a low profile and be patient as it passes. Moreover, this may be an opportunity to take an interest in the art of meditation or to take advantage of a moment of calm to go get a massage, in order to release tension. Read more from Sagittarius weekly horoscope

Capricorn Weekly Horoscope

Attention attention captain, zone of turbulence in sight! It’s hard to know what will happen to you this week, as the signs are numerous. Contrary astral influences bring their share of unpredictability. It’s up to you to make the most of it and know how to play your game! Keep your eyes open, inattention could play tricks on you. By taking events with calm and serenity, you will be able to ward off bad omens as if they had never existed. Read more from Capricorn weekly horoscope

Weekly Aquarius Horoscope

The weather is pretty good right now. With the movement of the planet Uranus, your family cocoon will be under the best auspices. Your optimistic attitude will promote the richness of your relationships. If you are married, your union will be stronger than ever. If you have children, they will be tender and affectionate towards you. If you are single, a romantic encounter could disturb your daily life. You will attract sympathy. Read more from Aquarius weekly horoscope

Weekly Pisces Horoscope

Next week, the annual family reunion takes place. You are a little apprehensive, because the previous one did not necessarily go well. Therefore, you have decided to put a little water in your wine and go there with a light heart. Do you know the best way to silence the rumors circulating on your account? Don’t justify yourself. Do not respond directly. Not only will you gain credibility, but it will only serve to feed them and distract them from the truth. Read more from Pisces weekly horoscope

Discover the current astro forecast

We hope this horoscope has helped you see more clearly in your plans for the week! Nevertheless, and as with any astrological or divinatory advice, our forecasts should help you better anticipate but never constrain you. Our mantra: always remain free of your choices and know how to listen to your deep intuition.

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Horoscope of the week, from January 9 to 15, 2023

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