Horoscope of the week, from January 16 to 22, 2023

It’s a new week starting tomorrow, Monday January 16th! Will the planets of the zodiac serve you in love for this mid-January 2023? Or rather in your work or in your finances? Or will it still be necessary to pay attention to your health or your friendships…? Sign by sign, here are our exclusive weekly astro forecasts, until Sunday January 22.

YOUR HOROSCOPE THIS WEEK. Already a new period is opening, will it be placed under the sign of luck or obstacles? Here is the interpretation of our astrologer who deciphers the aspect of your sky between 01/16/2023 and 01/22/2023.

Aries Weekly Horoscope

You will be subject to several headaches over the next few days. Nothing bad. The cause: dehydration, stress or some form of exhaustion. You can ease the pain with gentle methods. For example, inhale a few drops of lavender or peppermint essential oils. You also need to drink water regularly and get some fresh air! If the pain persists, do not hesitate to consult your doctor to make sure of your state of health. Read more from Aries weekly horoscope

Weekly Taurus horoscope

Many people believe that by letting things settle, everything will work out. It can work in a small family. Certainly, many siblings will have benchmarks to distinguish the one who is not going well, the one who remains in love, those who need a financial boost. In any case, to prevent discomfort from lasting, you must react quickly. Dialogue, support, empathy. With such ingredients, from one week to the next, everything can be arranged in record time. Read more from Taurus weekly horoscope

Weekly Gemini Horoscope

Seeing the pile of files on your desk, you get scared. Difficult to organize yourself this week. Known for wanting to control absolutely everything, your sign scrutinizes and analyzes all the details of daily life. Indeed, you do not know how to dedicate a moment to breathe or even to reflect on your situation. Take advantage of the upcoming weekend to put it all together. Little method. Calculate your working frequency. Divide it by time spent with loved ones. Depending on the figure, you must necessarily learn to organize yourself better to get off to a good start. Read more from Gemini weekly horoscope

Weekly Cancer Horoscope

In a sporty mood, you savor the joys of a morning run or an aquagym session on the weekend. A saving moment that makes you forget all your daily worries to breathe. After the effort, comfort! Your body will crave all kinds of foods, both sweet and savory. Know how to remain moderate even if the temptation is great. Opt for homemade dishes and resist the laziness that takes you to the frozen section of your supermarket! Read more from Cancer weekly horoscope

Weekly Leo Horoscope

Professionally, you will surpass yourself again this week and you will excel in all the tasks that will be assigned. This hard work will allow you to showcase your skills and get noticed among your colleagues. The contribution you make to the company is valuable and your superior will know how to reward your efforts. As a result, things are going wonderfully financially, since you will receive a well-deserved bonus. Treat yourself or save money, the choice is yours! Read more from Leo weekly horoscope

Virgo Weekly Horoscope

You’re all ready to burn what you adored… The charming flaws that seduced you so much in the other now make you grimace with irritation. Worst of all, it’s not what the other does that annoys you, but what he is. The influence of Mars makes you a mute despot. You torture the other with your silences, your gestures (you often roll your eyes) and your sighs. Single, you seem pleasantly surprised by the freedom offered by virtual seduction. Read more from Virgo weekly horoscope

Weekly Libra Horoscope

The week promises to be more relaxed from the point of view of your love situation. The presence of Saturn in your sky will allow you to settle any disputes you have had lately with your spouse. The climate of tension will calm down, giving way to tenderness and complicity. For singles, you will have the pleasant surprise of meeting interesting people. Without necessarily finding the love of your life, you will have the opportunity to live a beautiful story. Read more from Libra weekly horoscope

Scorpio Weekly Horoscope

Your week will be largely conditioned by the planet Venus. This influence will result in a form of laxity at work. Fatigue or boredom, whatever the cause, you will decide to slow down for a while. Use this parenthesis wisely but don’t leave anything unfinished. Your finances, meanwhile, are doing pretty well. You will slow down sometimes excessive expenses and will manage to save money. A little pleasure from time to time will not be refused! Read more from Scorpio weekly horoscope

Sagittarius Weekly Horoscope

Physical fitness wins over you these days and you redouble your energy under the influence of Venus. Take the opportunity to indulge in occupations that make you want but that you reject. A dance or theater course will allow you to express your creativity. A fun way to let your imagination run wild. Thanks to this artistic break, you maintain your iron health and receive positive vibrations, essential to your balance. Have fun! Read more from Sagittarius weekly horoscope

Capricorn Weekly Horoscope

The strength of the planet Mars portends a dynamic start to the week. You will manage your family life and your schedule with a master’s hand! You will be very organized and will even find time to take care of yourself. Indeed, out of habit, you often think of others first. Especially if you are a Virgo ascendant. Choose to pamper yourself this time around. You can afford it. Treat yourself to an outing with friends or even a few days of vacation to reward yourself. Read more about Capricorn weekly horoscope

Weekly Aquarius Horoscope

You will evacuate all the tensions of the day with your family circle. Your House VII will enhance the flavor of your one-on-one time with your partner if you live as a couple. If you are a parent, you will feel the need to perfect your education by transmitting more of your values ​​and your knowledge. Between friends, you will be attentive and available to advise them. You will leave room for authenticity and naturalness. In short, you will see life on the bright side! Read more from Aquarius weekly horoscope

Weekly Pisces Horoscope

It all started well… and yet! The weeks follow each other, but are not alike! Indeed, you need to parallelize all the scoops you have learned. Sometimes it’s hard to accept that yesterday’s friends become tomorrow’s enemies. But let’s move on. The fact that Mars is arriving in your sky is still good news. The planet gives all the strength necessary to face its small inconveniences. Instead of wasting time justifying yourself, from now on, practice the politics of indifference! Spread over several days, this method has always proven itself. ! Read more from Pisces weekly horoscope

Discover the current astro forecast

We hope this horoscope has helped you see more clearly in your plans for the week! Nevertheless, and as with any astrological or divinatory advice, our forecasts should help you better anticipate but never constrain you. Our mantra: always remain free of your choices and know how to listen to your deep intuition.

We want to thank the author of this short article for this outstanding web content

Horoscope of the week, from January 16 to 22, 2023

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