Astro: your daily horoscope for Friday August 12, 2022

Today the energy of Full Moon in Aquarius win over human consciences!

Surely you have felt its power, but do you know its effects in your psyche?

We offer you a special Full Moon horoscope, so that you know in which sector of your life the star of the night will help you evolve by bringing renewal!

The place in your birth chart where the intense lunation took place will be a land of intense change for the next 6 months to come.

Manifest your desires of transformation, and let the magic of the stars operate…

Daily horoscope for Friday August 12, 2022: love, health, work…


Today, dear Aries, the Full Moon inspires you to try to understand your personal value in your social circle. Are your personal values ​​in line with those around you? Bring renewal, and leave behind the relationships that weigh you down.


The Full Moon having taken place in your astrological zone of belonging, here is the question for you today, friend Taurus: to what extent am I living as I have been taught to? Am I free to make my choices or am I following the mandates of my family line? Think about it and give yourself the opportunity to change if necessary.


The astrological axis of your horoscope invested during this Full Moon is that of knowledge. Ask yourself if you are staying, intellectually, in your comfort zone or if you dare to new ideas in your life. Dare to propose new ideas, and go beyond your limits in terms of knowledge.


The Full Moon asks you to review your relationship to material resources. There may be a need for a shift in your approach to this. Are you ready to change your current situation to produce more efficiently and respectfully to your desires?


Your relationship to others is the subject at the heart of this Full Moon for you. Are you dominated by your ego, or are you able to put it to sleep from time to time to have deep exchanges with others? Do you have authentic and reciprocal relationships, where you need to change something about it?


The Full Moon message for you is related to your work. Are you in a dynamic of work that brings you satisfaction, or do you need to change your vision on this subject to better live your daily life? Find the way to make your routine exciting!


Your astrological axis of creativity is touched by this Full Moon in Aquarius. Is your ability to create in relation to others, or from a specific and individual desire that belongs only to you? Seek to find your passion in introspection. Don’t neglect your individuality.


The Full Moon in Aquarius occurs in the power axis of your birth chart. Ask yourself: how much control do you need to have? Are you able to let go to make changes in your life and let go of people, situations or objects that prevent you from evolving? The fall cleaning promises to be intense around here…


Today, the question that the Full Moon offers you is the following: do you live according to your own philosophy of life, or do you adapt to the one that society imposes on you? Seek to know your deepest ideals and live by your own rules.


Is your life governed by external imperatives to your desires, or are you able to listen to yourself in everyday life? Are the rules of society your guides or are you able to impose yours? Respect your internal will so as not to get drunk in the urgency of constant demand!


Is your vision of life open to change or do you remain in the safety of an outlook that reassures you? Would you be ready to take a leap into the void, if it brought you the chance to live a freer life and in accordance with your deepest desires? Red pill or blue pill, the choice is yours!

Also read:


Today, the Full Moon in Aquarius invites you to look into your health and well-being. Are you able to take care of your body and mind as a unit? Think about what changes you’ll be willing to make in your life to get in better shape.

We would love to thank the writer of this short article for this incredible material

Astro: your daily horoscope for Friday August 12, 2022

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