SilverEco Festival 2022: the 25 initiatives rewarded this year by the jury

Whether it’s R&D, Design for All, new technologies, new services, distribution, marketing (…), the Silver Economy is a formidable territory of innovation. Where France is rather creative.

Category Help for caregivers
2022 winner: Solution Ami / Cognitive crutches, for its two applications aimed at carers and those helped by providing them with solutions to improve their daily lives.
· Favorite of the Jury : Helpy: a new stimulating, fun and cooperative game between vulnerable people and those around them.

Category Habitat – Home
2022 winner: Les Ailes des Anges, for its inclusive senior shared house adapted to everyone’s needs.
· Favorite of the Jury: Created for its adjustable kitchenette which responds to the aging of the population and guarantees greater autonomy for cooking and eating.

Collective accommodation category -EHPAD
2022 winner: EPHAD Le Charnivet The Ehpad Le Charnivet proposes a relocation of the school to co-construct a project for children/tenants and residents.
· Favorite of the Jury: Azélie Santé, for its platform dedicated to nursing homes to help manage teams for the well-being of residents.

Product innovation category
2022 winner: MJ Innov, for his project aimed at improving the quality of life of people with cognitive disorders or with specific needs.
· Favorite of the Jury: Created for Gripo, an innovative device that restores balance and facilitates independent movement.

Innovations category – new technologies
2022 winner: Better World, for its approach to improving services for seniors, caregivers and professionals attending EHPADs.
· Favorite of the Jury: SonAide, for its box with artificial intelligence to help the elderly stay at home longer.

Intergenerational category
2022 winner: Allo Louis, for its platform for connecting students and seniors for specific needs.
· Favorite of the Jury: Mamie Baby, for its network of intergenerational micro-nurseries set up in establishments for seniors.

Category Leisure, culture and well-being
2022 winner: Box of World Stories, with the news for seniors, which creates a social link between residents, their families and the staff of the establishment.
· Favorite of the Jury: Association Fabkid3d, for its experience offering a liberation of the mind thanks to an innovative technology to revive memories.

Category Fight against isolation
2022 winner: Emotivi, for its solution allowing dependent seniors to receive video calls, photos or messages from their family and caregivers.
· Favorite of the Jury: Dans les Pas d’Alexandre, for his 360° travel experiences in nursing homes.

Category Health – E-health
2022 winner: Tensi+ / Stimuli Technology, for its device treating the symptoms of overactive bladder.
· Favorite of the Jury: Blastodent Company, for its program to sustain the activity of dental surgeons at the bedside of dependent patients.

Category Services and Services to the person
2022 winner: Domplus Groupe, which offers technological and human solutions to support seniors and caregivers.
· Favorite of the Jury: SAS Famille du Chêne, with its project of personal assistance associations throughout France to act on a daily basis.

Senior prices
2022 winner: FeetMe, for its project to fight against falls with injuries and reduce their occurrence.
· Favorite of the Jury: Simplified, with its platform of anticipation and information about death.

Special Audience Award
2022 winner: ADMR Charente, a karaoke in Chalais, for the actions of ADMR Charente which offers fun activities such as karaoke afternoons.

Special price from the organizers
· Francophone Network of Age-Friendly Cities – RFVAA. The organizers wanted to award a favorite to a great initiative which celebrated its 10th anniversary in 2022: this WHO-affiliated association encourages territories to better adapt to the needs of seniors and fight against ageism.

Chaired by sociologist Serge Guérin, this jury of fifty experts had the difficult task of deciding between nearly 100 applications in the following 10 categories: help for carers / housing – home / collective accommodation – Ehpad / product innovation / intergenerational / news technologies / leisure – culture – well-being / fight against isolation / health – e-health / services – personal services.

We wish to give thanks to the writer of this post for this awesome material

SilverEco Festival 2022: the 25 initiatives rewarded this year by the jury

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